chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings, 4 boys and a girl lay asleep on the floor, where am I? Then it clicked, I'm in the hospital.  The girl moved, Laura, that’s her name.  Everything flooded back.  The boys, Laura, the dreams, the nightmares, the pain, it all came back at once, overwhelming me.

“Emma!” I saw Laura running at me with tears running down her face.  She embraced me tight, crying into my shoulder,

“I thought you’d never wake up!”

Her loudness and crying seemed to have woken the rest of the boys and Ashton was the first to embrace me,

“Don’t scare us like that again, Em, we were so worried”

His words were rushed and made me wonder what the hell had happened.  Luke was looking at me with a guilty look in his eyes

“I'm so sorry Emma, it’s all my fault...”

“What?” I questioned, I am so confused right now, what happened to me? Why am I in the hospital?

“Why am I here?” before anyone could answer me, the doctor walked in,

“Lack of nutrients in the body, malnutrition and dehydration, you’re organs started shutting down and to be perfectly honest it’s a miracle you survived.” He checked my blood pressure, letting us know everything was normally before leaving the room.

“Well isn’t he a cheerful one” Laura laughed,

Ashton smiled at her comment and I meet his gaze, he blushed and looked away.  I knew how happy she made him and I couldn’t thank her enough for that. 

“The doctor said you’re free to go,” Calum announced, walking back into the room. I feel bad for not even acknowledging that he even left!

“Let’s go then, I hate hospitals,” I stated while laughing.  I followed the boys out of the room and out into the car to go home. I was still confused as to why I have passed out so suddenly. 

By the time we were home, I realized how hungry I was. It was a rare feeling.  I had gone so long eating as little as possible that the feeling of hunger was always there so I grew used to it but the doctor gave Ashton more pills for me which make me hungry and make it easier to eat.  I walked straight into the kitchen making a sandwich and the smile on Ashton’s face could not have been brighter

Ashton’s POV

As soon as I saw her making food for herself, I felt so happy, I can’t even describe how I felt to be honest, it was just the best feeling.  I really hope she gets better soon, I don’t like watching her suffer without being able to do anything about it, it hurts me so much that I want to go back to what I used to do, but I know I have to stay strong for Emma.  Watching her in the hospital was too much though and I had to give in, just one cut couldn’t hurt. 

“Ashton!” I heard Laura calling me, god her voice is so cute. I walked into the bathroom and stared at the sight

“I found this on the sink.” She said, holding up the blade I used earlier.  Shit. I forgot to hide that earlier.

“It’s Emma’s” I said, without thinking. Oh shit.

“Poor girl,” Laura said, frowning “I feel so bad for her; she’s been through so much. Should we talk to her about this?”

I didn’t know what to say, if I say yes, I have to lie to Laura again, and Emma. But if I say no the Laura will question me why and think I'm a bad father, why did I have to lie?

“Yeah, let’s talk to her now, come one little one.” She smiled at my nickname for her.  I know she loves it when I call her that, it makes her feel safe and innocent, but let me tell you she if far from innocent. (; 


im sorry it's so short! i have like no time to update with exams and school right now but i promise to update before friday!

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