Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend laura.  she been there for me through everything and i loveeee her.  thank you lauraaaa! enjoy :) 

Chapter 7

Today was the day we left for the last three weeks of the tour.  I was really looking forward to it; I had never been on tour so this would be a new experience.  Something about this day was special but I couldn’t think what.  Shit. I remember now.  It’s my birthday... a day many years ago I would’ve looked forward to, a day which connected me and ‘mum’.  You see, we shared a birthday and every year we went out for pizza and spent the whole day, enjoying each other’s company.  Just me and her.  That all changed when... No, not now, today I will be happy, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY.  I'm 15 now and that means I'm a year closer to being 16.  I walked downstairs, not expecting the boys to know it was my birthday, I never told them so I don’t think they know. 

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EMMA” they screamed and I couldn’t help but smile.  I smiled and smiled like a child with their first ice cream.  I loved these boys so much and they did everything they could to make me so happy, yet I still feel like not all of them trust me. 

Ashton walked over to me and said,

“Happy birthday Emma, I know we can’t celebrate tonight but we have all day with you until the sound check!”

“Thanks Ash! I can’t believe you knew, I never told yous?”

He just smiled and winked at me and pulled me other to the others.  I sat down at the table and looked down in front of me at my breakfast. 

“Since it’s your birthday, we agreed that you don’t have to take your drink today, okay?”

“I love you guys!!!”

It was such a small thing, to not have to drink something, but to me it meant the world.  It showed me how much they care for me and that they really do love me, and no matter how much I know they want me to get better, they still understand that I want to enjoy this day and they helped me with that. 

I ate my breakfast quickly and without fuss as I didn’t want to ruin this day.  This could be the best birthday since...

“Time for your presents!” I heard Calum calling me into the lounge. 

“Mine first” Luke yelled, so I took his from him and opened it.  I gasped.  He had gotten me a necklace, it was beautiful. It had a gold chain with an infinity sign on the end with little diamonds outlining it.

“I love it, Luke! It’s beautiful! Thank you”

“No problem, Em” he smiled at me and I smiled back.

After opening everyone’s presents, which I loved!

(Ashton bought me new combat boots and a giraffe onesie (awwwww), Calum got me new stretchers and plugs, I love them! And Michael bought me 7 different colours of hair dye.  He said he wants me to follow in his footsteps...) we left to go on tour.  I was so excited to find out what it was like to be on tour.  We put all our bags on the tour bus and Ashton showed me my bed.  It was so awesome!  It had 2 floors, on the bottom was the kitchen, the bedrooms and the TV room and upstairs it had a games room and a bathroom.  The boys told me that we would send the day at the theme park before their first concert in Sidney!  I was so excited, I loved the theme park. 

After the theme park

“That was amazing guys, thank yous!”

“It’s no problem, Em.  We love the theme park too!”

“Yeah it was a good day!”

I hugged Ashton as a thank you and he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder before running off. 

“Put me down!”  I demanded, I hated being lifted.

“Never!” Ashton shouted, running faster.  Luke appeared in front of him, stopping him before I fell.

“Careful Ash, she’s human too” he laughed, shaking his head.

Ashton’s phone ranged and he smiled as he answered it.  I wonder who it was. 

“Time for rehearsal guys”

There was a murmur of groans and mumble from the boys, obviously not wanting to leave the park we had stopped at on the way back to the bus. 

“It’ll be fun guys, I can’t wait to see yous perform live, it’s so exciting!” I tried to cheer them up and it obviously worked as the all smiled except Ashton as he was already smiling and texting someone. 

“Let’s go!”

We started to walk the 5 blocks back to the bus when we passed a Starbucks.  I love coffee, full of energy and few carbs!

“Please, please, please can we get some coffee?” I asked Ashton giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

“You know I can’t say no to the puppy dog eyes!”

I laughed, thanking him as we walked inside and ordered our drinks.  We paid for our drinks and started walking again.  The coffee tasted so good.  It was nice and hot, and warmed me up as I had been cold since we left the bus.  We walked for what seemed like miles until we finally reached the tour bus again.

Once we had changed and showered, the boys had to go straight to sound check.  They told me to wait for them in the dressing room while they had sound check and said they wouldn’t be too long untill they had finished.  I did as I was told and played games on my IPad until they came back.  Once they returned they told me they had 30 minutes before their performance which they needed to do make up and change and stuff. I decided to go explore while they were getting ready for their part of the show.  I wondered down random hallways for about half an hour before realizing that I was completely lost.  I heard the boys starting the show.  I can’t believe I was missing it because I was lost! Ugh, why did I have to wonder off?

“Are you lost?” I turned around to see a girl with one of the best dress senses I've ever seen!  She was about 19 or so and wore a black skater shirt with a nirvana shirt tucked in and black combat boots.

“Yeah, a bit” I replied nervously.

“Well, I’ll show you back to where you need to be.  Where are you meant to be exactly?”

“Um, 5 seconds of summer’s dressing room?”



suspenseeee :3

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