Chapter 16

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Omg, it's been so long :') thank you's for being so patient! You's are the best aww
Enjoy! To clear up confusion, in chapter 9 I said that Emma has a bother who was 19, she does, she has two brothers, one who moved out after her dad left and James. Just to clear that up!

Chapter 16
James' POV (didn't expect that did you (; )
"Emma you can't be here, It's not safe for you" how could she be here, how did she find me after all here years, I'm bad for her, she has to go.
"James I get if you don't want to see me but I missed you so much, I had to see if you were safe, I had too!"
"Emma you know why I left, they were after me, if they know you've been here they'll get you too! I can't let that happen okay? I care too much!" At this point I was lying right through my teeth but she doesn't need to know that...

Emma's POV
He looked so different, actually quite attractive and if he wasn't my brother then mmm (;
"How's mum and dad?" He asked me and I fell silent
"Dad left and I ended up in care..."
"What?! Why? I thought you'd all be better with out me, safer without me. I'm sorry em, I didn't mean for you to end up in care, are you adopted?"
"Yes, a band adopted me, 5 seconds of summer."
"Come in and we can talk about this okay?"
He dragged me inside and I sat down and took in my surroundings. It was quite a nice place for two guys. Speaking of which, where's the other one ? As I thought this another extremely hot guy walked out of the kitchen.
"Who's this James?" He asked my brother.
" Our new problem" what? What did he-
They jumped on me and grabbed me, dragging me into another room before hitting my with something hard making me black out.

Michael's POV
"Guys calm down, she said she was going for a walk, I'm sure she'll be back soon." I tired to calm the guys down before an argument started... Too late
"How can I calm down Michael!?" Luke's yelling isn't going to help anyone but I'd rather not argue so I'll stay out of this one.
"Sorry then..."
"We have to look for her, what if something's bad happened to her?" Calum asked nervously.
"No one will touch her." Ashton growled. You could tell how much her cared for her and how worried her was for her but we were all worried I mean, she's been gone for 5 hours now.
"We have to look right now guys!"
"Okay, we will Calum, come on guys, let's go"
"I'll call Laura, I know she loves Emma like a sister so she can help us."
and with that we left I search of our sister, daughter, whatever you wanna call her but too me? My baby.

Emma's POV
I woke up I a strange room. Where was I? Shit. No, this can't be happening, I thought James would be happy to see me, not like he is now...
"Emma! You better be awake or I swear to god!" James never shouted like this before... What has happened to him?
"I'm awake, calm the fuck down!"
"Excuse me? You little-"
"Save it James," I cut him off, "why are you doing this? I'm your sister. The one who always took your side in arguements, remember? Or do you just not care"
"Emma for gods sake! Why can't you be like everyone else and forget I exsisted? But no, you had to come back looking for me, get over yourself Emma, not everyone loves you, I thought that would've been clear when all of your family left you... Why can't you just be normal?!" Well hat stung, not the family bit, I knew they didn't love me, it doesn't bother me anymore, but that last bit, 'why can't you be normal'. I've spent my life trying to fit in, trying to be normal. And here I am now, listening to my twin tell me how abnormal I am? Fuck this.
"Let me go James, I want out of here. Now."
"Oh but dear sis, we've just started, didn't you miss me?" Wow, bipolar much? His smirk was annoying me more than anything right now.
"What do you mean you won't let me go? James I want out of here right now!"
"Oh that depends how much your "family" are willing to pay"
"Excuse me?!"
"Give me your phone now." I gave him my phone because I was too scared about what he would do to be honest. He called someone and I'm guessing it was one of the boys.

Calum's POV
We have been searching or Emma for over 2 hours now and we were about to head back when my phone started ringing... "It's Emma!"
"Where are you Emma?!" I yelled when I answered it but unfortunately it wasn't Emma who answered.
"Impatient much?!" I heard the voice sneer.
"I just want Emma, where is she, who are you?"
"I'm her brother, her real one, not like you's" oh, she had gone back to her real family? Does she not need us?
"But I don't want Emma here, she thinks I'd be so happy to see her after all these years but oh how wrong she was." I heard Emma in the background crying,, this made me so angry.
"Give her back to us! Where are you!"
"Oh I'll be more than willing to give her back for a small price"
At this point all the boys and Laura were listening in.
"How much" Ashton replied to him.
"I think 100k would be enough, she's not worth that much anyway."
How dare he say that about Emma! She's worth so much more than that.
"We'll get you the money, can we have her back now?"
"I need the money first"
"No chance, we'll hand over the money at the same time of you giving us Emma, I'm not stupid."
"Meet me by the tower at 12 tonight, bring the money, cash. Oh and if you're late, bye bye Emma!"
And with that he hung up on us. How are we meant to get 100k in cash in just 3 hours ?!
"Guys how do we do this?" I asked them nervously.
"We ask our fans to come to a show in an hour, we should get quite a bit that way and I'm sure we can make up the rest"

2 and a half hours later...

Ashton's POV

We were at the tower waiting now our little show was only an hour long but it did the job and we have the money. We came early to make sure we weren't late, we couldn't lose Emma, she means too much, she's been through too much and I don't know how well she is going to handle this to be honest.
"Good to see you aren't late" I heard a voice and we all spun around to see who had spoken. We saw two boys around Emma's age, one was a bit older. The younger looking one had spoken while the older one was holding a gun to my daughter's head.
"Give us Emma, we have the money." Luke spoke, holding up the envelope.
"Is that 100k?"
"Yes, now give us Emma!"
"Patience my friend," he said, smirking, "count it out to us, I don't want to be cheated out here." And so we did.
After counting out 100k the younger one went to take the envelope but I held it back.
"Emma at the same time"
"Okay, on 3"
On three I heard a gun shout and two voices laughing, and in that moment, the money didn't matter, my whole world came crashing down...

So my exams are over and I'll be updating more often! Did you like this chapter? I hope you did!
So yeah, bare with me, I have a lot of stuff going on right now and it's really hard to deal with but I will be updating more often but not like every other day or whatever. Hopefully once a week but don't blame me if it isn't because like I said these next few weeks are going to be hard to deal with
But yeah, hope you liked it!

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