chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Laura’s POV

“Emma, we aren’t mad, we just want to know why?”

“I'm telling you, I didn’t do it!” Emma has been saying the same thing every time we ask her, I look at Ashton and he’s deep in thought.  Emma stormed out of the room leaving me shocked and Ashton doesn’t even seem to notice!

“Ashton!” I shout at him and he looks up, confused, “Are you joking right now?!”

“What the hell Laura? What are you on about?!”

“I’m basically looking after your child for you; you didn’t even say anything the whole time she was here! You didn’t even notice that she left!”

“When did she leave?”

“Exactly!!” ugh, I'm so frustrated, what’s going on with him? He normally is so worried about Emma and today it’s like he couldn’t care less!

“I can’t believe you Ashton!” and with that I left the house.

Emma’s POV

After I walked out I heard Laura and Ashton arguing, I can’t believe they don’t trust me enough to know I didn’t do it!  I wonder why it was there though. I didn’t put it there, that means... no, none of the boys would? Would they? Which one? They all seem so happy... I walk into Calum’s room.

“What’s up child?”

“Ashton and Laura are fighting because of me, everyone fights because of me, ugh” he pulled me into a hug, I love Calum, we’ve became so close recently, he’s seriously so sweet and easy to talk to about anything!

“It’s not your fault Em, people fight and things happen, it’s no one’s fault okay?”

“Okay... it’s just hard to believe it’s not my fault, you know?”

“I get you sis, but believe me okay?”

“I really can’t.  It’s so difficult to believe that it isn’t your fault when I grew up with a mum who told me things were my fault constantly, it’s what I'm used to, I guess”

“Well you shouldn’t have to be used to it, not everything is the fault of someone, my parents split up and I know its hard not to think it’s your fault, but you just have to remember, you aren’t part of their marriage, so how could you be the cause of the marriage breaking? Just think about that.  How can you be the fault of their argument when you aren’t a part of their relationship, yeah?”

“You’re right, again” I smile at the ending, I always come to Calum for advice and lately he’s always been right, it’s getting annoying really!

“You know it” he said while smirking

“MOVIE TIME” he yelled and I jumped a mile! This kid has a lot of energy!

Ashton’s POV

I watched Laura as she put her shirt back on and climbed back into bed,

“Make up sex is the best.” I stated, cuddling into her

“Defiantly” she replied, winking

“I’m sorry about earlier, I was just in thought, I feel awful, I have to tell you something” she looked at me, worry clear in her face, she knew about my past and I have a feeling she knows what I'm about to say.

“Please don’t say it Ash,” she whispers, “It wasn’t your blade, right?”

I looked away, ashamed of myself, it was Laura who had got me to stop, I feel so guilty doing it again behind her back, she knew how addicted I was and how hard it was for me to stop last time, I know she worried ill get addicted again and to be honest, she’s right to be worried.

“I'm so sorry, Laura” I broke down then and there. She just hugged me tight, she knows when I'm sad that I don’t like people forcing me to talk about it, she knows a hug says it all, and it’s all I need, her hug.

“I had too Laura, she nearly died!”

“Shhhh, it’s okay Ashton, I don’t blame you, but please, tell me next time okay? I want to help you.” She whispered, making my guilt grow.

“I didn’t know what to say, I was scared, I'm scared now, the urges are coming back, I can’t go back there Laura, it’s true what people say, you never cure depression...”

“Don’t think like that Ash, I will cure you, I promise.”  Unfortunately, I know she’ll never be able to keep that promise because you can’t cure it, I can feel the addiction, it’s in my head, but it’s so real, I can feel my scars itching to be re-opened, just like before.  I can feel my head telling me to do it, to do it know.  I can feel it telling me to cut deeper, I can feel it telling me how good it will feel to go deep, I can feel it; and that’s what I fear.


this took me forever! i hope you like it!

and laura, please dont kill me xD

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