chapter 2

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Emma's POV

I packed everything and the boys helped me carry it to the car.  They were talking to each other but I was in my own world, a world where everything is perfect, a world where I’m the normal one, a world where I can escape everything that’s real.  The boys kept trying to start conversations with me but I’d give them one word answers and avoid conversation at all cost.  Why can’t they see I’m not in the mood to talk?!

Luke’s POV

We’re all trying to talk to Emma but it’s like she’s blocking us all out. I need to find out why, I think it’s to do with her past.  Mrs Smith said she had a rough past but said she couldn’t tell us, she said it was up to Emma to make that decision.  She warned us before we adopted her that we were making a bad choice but we all agreed that she was different and there was something about her that made us want to find the real her because we all knew the person she was at the minute is all and act to hide the real her.

“What do you think happened in her past?” I whispered to Calum.

“I don’t know but I get the feeling she’s blocking us out so she doesn’t have to tell us.” He replied.

“Well it won’t work,” I growled, “I don’t want her hurting, I’m going to find out whether she wants me too or not.”

“We left you’re room bare so you can decorate it however you want Emma, and we are going to take you shopping tomorrow to buy you new clothes and stuff for your room okay?” Ashton asked Emma.

“Sure, whatever”

It annoyed me how bluntly she replied, “Why won’t you talk to us?” I asked her, half raising my voice. The look of fear that spread across her face made me regret my outburst. “sorry Emma, I’m just worried, I mean we going to look after you and be around you a lot but it’s not going to help if you won’t talk to us” I sighed looking at the floor.

Emma’s POV

How dare he raise his voice at me, I mean, I'm glad they adopted me and got me out of that prison but I'm 14, almost 15 years old and they have no right to yell at me, I've had enough of yelling to last a lifetime already.

“Don’t yell at me, Luke, I understand that you adopted me and we are going to be around each other a lot, I get that the orphanage told you that I've had a rough past and that it’s up to me to tell you what that past is but I don’t know you guys yet and I'm not ready to bring up my past yet okay?”

The boys looked at me understandingly and I smiled.

“SHE SMILES, WE SUCCEDED IN MAKING HER LOVE US” Michael yells making me laugh and punch his shoulder gently.  I can’t believe I'm laughing and smiling around these guys, this shouldn’t be happening. I promised myself I wouldn’t get close to them, yet it’s happening and I can’t help but love it.

“Ouch” Michael pouted, rubbing his shoulder pretending it actually hurt. 

“Man up Mikey” I said, laughing

“We’re here!” Ashton yells from the driver’s seat as we pull up at this huge house.  The boys all scrambled out of the car and I followed slowly behind them, don’t get me wrong, I like these boys, but I'm still anxious to go inside and start a new life with them.

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