Chapter 14

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sorry its late but yeah, enjoy!

Chapter 14

Once we returned home, we found 3 boys in a pile on the floor yelling about some movie, typical boys. 

I stepped over the pile of bodies and trudged up the stairs and into my room.  I took out my diary and started to write in it, I hadn’t written in here since I had lived with my parents.  I decided to read back to old events which had happened in the past.  One of them caught my eye and I began to read,

‘I hate it, the feeling of losing a part of you; I can’t believe he's gone.  I miss him, of course I do but part of me knows it was for the best.  He didn’t leave because he wanted to; he left because he had too.  He couldn’t stay here, it wasn’t safe for him.  They were after him and he could do nothing but run.’

Tears were slowing filling up in my eyes before they slowly began to fall.  I remembered him.  He was my everything, until he left, he promised me he’d never forget me, and I promised the same, but here I am, having forgotten him until now. 

“Emma! Lunch!” I was dragged out of my train of thought by Michael’s overly loud voice.  I sighed, before slowly making my way down to the kitchen.  I had finished my protein drinks and I just had to eat 3 meals a day.  I was going really well, I hadn’t purged in about 3 weeks and I'm really proud of myself.  The boys and Laura are proud of me too.  I haven’t cut in 2 weeks and that makes me even happier!  However today might just be too much for me.  I didn’t want to let anyone down, especially the boys and Laura, they were the one who were keeping me going and making me smile every day, but after reading that, I'm not sure how long I can stay clean.

“What’s for lunch, Ash?”

“Just a subway” he replied so casually, I wish I could talk about food just a casually.

I stared at the sandwich like it was the most evil thing imaginable.

“It’s okay to eat it Emma, it won’t hurt you, I won’t let you get hurt.”

I guess he was right, I just need to eat it quickly and forget about it, and so I did

After painfully finishing the sandwich I returned back upstairs. I wanted to read more of that diary.  I wanted to remember more of him, almost relive the past again.

‘It’s been a week since he left.  I thought he would’ve come back by now, the house is so quiet without him and it’s almost as if the place has died.  Dad’s gone crazy, it scares me to see him like this, I reckon he’ll leave again soon; he's done it once before so he can do it again easily.  It pains me to say it but I won’t miss dad if he leaves.  He's hurt me too much.  Mum’s just as bad.  She’s yelling at me and my brother more than ever.  She’ll hit us too, she’s not scared to swear at us and beat us.  Last night was her worst night yet.  She locked me in my room all night, its petrifying.’ 

I stopped there. I couldn’t go on without being stupid.  It hurt to read this and remember everything.  I miss him so much.

I broke.  I couldn’t take it, all the memories of him came back, all the terrible nights that I spent begging god to bring him home safely, I knew he was running from them, but he could be safe at home.  I lay in a ball crying for all I was worth.  Why did I let him go so easily?  I didn’t even put up a fight for him to stay. I just watched him walk out the door and run.  I was shaking. I wasn’t sad, I was angry.  How could I do that to him? How could I let him go? How could anyone let him go? Without him, our family was never the same again.  Everything fell apart when he left and that made me wonder,

Would everything be different if my twin hadn’t left?


Okay i know i havent updated in years, and i know this is short but i have exams coming up really soon and i have to revise, i still try and write in between revision but its so stressful so i'll try and get another chapter up soon but i can't promise because these exams are really important to me!

sooooo emma has a twin brother? ooo

she has two brothers now but who is her twin running from?

hahahahaha (:

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