Chapter 17

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I'm so sorry this is late but I was gonna post it on New Year's Day but I can't so I'm uploading it early! Haha I guess merry Christmas and happy new year? XD love you guys!

Chapter 17
Laura's POV
"No! Ashton! Please be okay, why?! You got your money, why did you shoot him!?"
"Well you see, we said we'd give Emma back to you unharmed if we got the money. Well you have Emma back now don't you? I said nothing about any of your little group getting hurt!"
"This isn't over!" I screamed at Emma's brother, how dare her, if Ashton dies because of that little shit I will not stop until I find him and he's dead.
"The ambulance are on their way" I heard Calum's voice but I wasn't really paying attention, I just wanted my baby to be okay.

Emma's POV
Why? Why Ashton? Why couldn't it be me, James has changed, and if I'm honest, I'm worried he won't leave us alone after this. But right now my main worry was Ashton. He's blacked out and lost a lot of blood. I was in shock and didn't acknowledge Calum picking me up and taking me to the car while Ashton was put on a stretcher and taken to the hospital.
"Are you okay?" I looked up to find Luke talking to me.
"Yeah I guess, as fine as someone can be in this situation."
"Ashton will be okay, he's strong babe." It was Michael's comforting words this time. God I loved these boys.
"Why did you go to see James?"
"I didn't know he had changed" I answered honestly. I thought he was still the loving brother who would do anything to protect his twin. I was foolish, I should have known. I didn't understand before I went to see him but I do now. It's time to tell the boys.
"You know James isn't the brother you know about, he's my twin."
"You have two? I'm confused Emma, what's going on?" Calum looked so confused, as did the other boys, so I sighed and began my story.
"James is my twin. He left our family when he was around 10 due to a group of drug dealers who were chasing him. I know he was 10 but he had only tried drugs once, but being so young, he took it before realising there was no way he could pay them back. So instead of confessing this to mum and dad he told me and ran away that night. I hadn't seen him since that night. That was until the other day when I went out for a walk and I meet an old woman. She was so lovely and she told me she recognised me. Obviously I was confused because I had never seen her before in my life but then she said I was James' sister and I so suprised. I hadn't seen him in so long so naturally I wanted to see him again. She gave me his address and I went to see him yesterday. Unfortunately, he seems to have befriended the group that chased him years ago and they needed more money for drugs. They used me to get that money."
All the boys and Laura looked at me with worry and sadness in their eyes. I hadn't noticed I was crying.
"I'm sorry Emma, I really am, but why didn't you tell us this earlier? Why did you keep part of the truth hidden from us?"
"I guess I just wanted to forget I had a twin."
I'm sorry it's so short but I wanted to update so yeah
I hope you liked it and I'm sorry it's so late, I'm so bad at updating 😂

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