chapter 3

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a/n i love writing this ahh, hope to upload tomorrow! enjoy! (:

“Shotgun doing the tour!” Luke yells, running into the house as I follow with Ashton walking beside me.  For some reason, being around these boys made me feel safe? 

“Welcome home! This is the living room and if you’d like to follow me I’ll show you the rest of the house!” Luke shouted in an interviewer’s voice making me laugh and run after him.  He showed me all around the house which is huge might I add!

“And this is your room!” he said, sounding excited as he slowly opened the door.  I stood there, starring at it in utter shock.  It was enormous.  There were very few pieces of furniture in the room and the walls were white. 

“We’ll get the rest of the furniture tomorrow and paint and everything you need to make this room your own!” Luke said making me smile a huge grin that I haven’t worn in ages.  There were two doors leading off from my room, one was my own bathroom, and the other a walk-in closet! I could not be happier right now! I just couldn’t wait for tomorrow. 

It was past 6pm now and the boys were calling me down for dinner.  I panicked.  I forgot about this part of being adopted, I can’t skip meals so easily anymore.  I walked downstairs trying to hide my panic from the boys. I looked down at my plate they had piled with food and swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Um, I'm not hungry right now guys,” I said slowly, trying to sound calm.

“That’s okay Em,” Ashton replied, “I put it in the fridge and you can eat it later okay?”

“Yeah thanks Ash!” I smiled and skipped back upstairs and lay down on my bed putting in my earphones and setting my playlist on shuffle.  Emblem 3 – 3000 miles came on, I listened closely to the lyrics thinking of my old home, the one at the orphanage, then the one before that. They weren’t really homes.  A home is a place where you feel safe, happy and loved, I've never felt like that anywhere but here, here I feel safe and happy and loved.  Is this my first real home?

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed and shouting for me to wake up.

“Emmaaaaa, pweaseee, you have to get up and get breakfast so we can go shoppingggg!” Michael whined

“Go away you selfish child! I want to sleep!” I shouted at him but it didn’t stop him jumping.  I finally stood up and pushed him off the bed.

“Yay, SHES UP” he laughed, yelling to the other boys, “now get dressed and we’ll meet you downstairs. Oh, and if you take too long I'm coming back up here!” he sing-songed as he left the room and headed downstairs.  I picked out some clothes, an oversized black jumper with Brooklyn written in white across the chest and black leggings with black vans and a black beanie. I got a shower and curled my long blonde hair and wore my 3 mm stretcher and infinity necklace and black nail polish. 

I walked downstairs to be greeted by Ashton holding out a bowl of cereal and a piece of toast. 

I frowned taking it from him and sitting down at the table and slowly started to eat with him watching me the whole time.  Something tells me he’s suspicious of my eating habit already which worries me.

I ate the piece of toast bare, ignoring the suggestions from the boys as to what toppings I could put on it, leaving the crusts and the bowl of cereal.  I glanced at Ashton who was already looking at me with a ‘we’ll talk about this later’ look on his face. 

“Let’s go!” Luke squealed, excitedly running to the car like a 5 year-old.  This sight made me laugh.

“I’ll be two minutes, I’m just going to the bathroom,” I quickly hurried upstairs to the bathroom knowing the boys suspected nothing, accept maybe Ashton.  I locked the down and turned on the tap to cover the noise of me purging the toast back up.  I hated the feeling of food in my stomach and so purging was nothing new to me.  I washed out my mouth and quickly brushed my teeth before running downstairs and into the car, ready to go shopping. 

4 hours later

“Can we go now?” Calum whined clearly bored of this. 

“Just one more store then we’re finished,” replied Ashton.

I had got everything I ever wanted, Ashton (being my dad) bought me a whole new closet of mainly black clothing and I got dark purple paint for my room and black curtains and lots of posters of my favourite bands. As well as a laptop and an iPhone, iPod and iPad and new headphones and speakers!  The last shop was school supplies as Ashton told me I would be starting homeschooling soon.  He told me we would be travelling a lot and so it wouldn’t be practical for me to go to public school.

This week was the boys’ week off before continuing with the ‘take me home’ tour. 

When we were in the store I saw notebooks and pens and pencils and everything which reminded me of the nightmares of school.  When we had paid for everything we made our way back to the car and made the 10 minute drive home. 

Once we were home the boys helped me decorate my room just how I had always pictured it. I put all my clothes away and took out my phone and asked Ash to help me work it as I had never had a phone before.

He pulled me onto his lap before turning on my phone.

“First you need a pass code okay?” he said and I typed in my pass code 0182, for my favourite band blink182. 

“Okay now do you have Facebook and that stuff?” I shook my head in reply. 

“Well I’ll set you up a Facebook and instagram and tumblr and all that as long as you promise not to use twitter okay?” I agreed with him wondering why I wasn’t allowed it if I was allowed the other things.  Me being my rebellious self decide I would make a twitter account on my laptop later, knowing he won’t check there for it.  I was about to go upstairs when I heard Luke call from the kitchen,

“Dinner!” oh god, not again.

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