Chapter 18

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Wow its been a while, to be honest, I lost interest in this when it became more of a pain to update rather than something I looked forward to. I'm back in the mood of writing now though xD so I'll be finishing this and maybe even starting something new, who knows.

Chapter 18

Emma's POV

We got to the hospital about an hour later and we probably looked dead considering it was the middle of the night. I feel so guilty, it's all my fault. If I had of just waited to see James, or not have gone to see him at all, none of this would've happened.

"Ashton Irwin, please" I heard Michael asking the secretary.

"Room 376, I'm sorry" What did she mean by 'sorry', he'll be okay, I know he will.

We ran off in search of room 376 and after a good ten minutes of running we found it on the floor above. As we approached the door a doctor came out.

"How is he?" Calum immediately asked him.

"Not good, can I talk to the closet one to Ashton before you all go in?" he asked as we all looked at Michael, who seemed to be the only one out of us who wouldn't break down at the doctor's words, as Luke, Laura and I had already began crying.

"I'll go" Michael replied, following the doctor just out of ear shot of us.

The rest of us took a seat just outside Ashton's room. Calum had Laura on his lap trying to calm her down and she cried into his shoulder. I immediately felt sorry for her. I mean, I know the boys have known him longer, but she was his girlfriend and I'm sure he's told her things he'd never tell anyone else, he was her rock. He was everyone's rock.

I was sitting on Luke lap while he hugged me and we both cried into each other. Every few minutes I'd hear a faint 'I love you' from Luke and even though it was such a small thing at such a dark time, it would still make me smile because it would reassure me that even thought he was hurting so bad, he still cared about me, and so I'd say it back, hoping it would make him feel a similar way.

Michael came back over with a sadden expression on his face and immediately I felt my heart drop as I prepared myself for the worst.

"He's alive, but barley... the doctor says the chances of him surviving are s-small b-but not I-I-impo-ssible..." he trailed off, breaking down. Even the strongest people break in the darkest of times.

We slowly walked into the room, not knowing what we would see. Michael went first, followed by Calum and Laura, then me and Luke. It was awful. he was connected to all these different machines with flashing lights and tubes coming out off him and needles and it made me feel sick knowing I caused this. the only good thing I could gather from this horrific scene was that he was awake. he was weak but he was awake and when he looked at us, he smiled slowly. Laura went over first and took his left hand in her small one. She looked into his eyes and you could see the love in their eyes.

"Be strong for me, babe, I love you." he whispered. It was too quiet for Ash, he was normal so loud and happy, not quiet and sad. it just didn't feel right. Laura just smiled and nodded, "I love you too, Ash" she spoke just as quietly.

Next, the boys stepped forward, as if they knew this was their last time seeing their bother. "I love you guys, my band, my second family, please don't forget me..." he trailed off as his lip quivered and he tried his best to hold it together in his last moments.

"Never" they replied in sync, as Luke broke and Michael went over and comforted him.

I went and sat beside him opposite Laura, holding his other hand. "I'm so proud of you, Em. We haven't known you that long but I love you like a daughter, I hope you wont forget me, and the boys and Laura will look after you. Stay strong baby, I love you so much. You're going to get better, Emma, I know you will, do it for me." This was it, I knew it. I could see the life slowly leaving his body as he lay in front of us all.

"I love you, dad. You don't understand how much you've done for me. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve this. You deserve the world. You're the best dad anyone could have asked for and I'm lucky I got to be the one to experience it. You could never compare to my real dad because in my eyes, you're the only dad I've ever had. I love you, stay strong"

I gave him one last hug and he slowly, weakly hugged back. He lay down again and we all watched in silence as he took his last breath, and one long bleep was heard.

In that moment, my whole world came crashing down around us all.

Laura lost it and was crying hysterically into Calum's shoulder while Michael, Luke and I were crying with our arms around each other, watching Ash lay there. I tried to tell myself he was just sleeping, but it was no use and I couldn't hold back the tears that were dripping of my face and on to the cold floor.

The doctors came in, asking us to leave while they got his body ready for his funeral. We watched as Calum had to pull Laura off him, While she screamed at the heavens to give him back to us.

Once we were all out of the hospital, no one spoke. We walked silently out of the hospital and into the car. Calum drove us home.

It was almost like we had made a silent agreement to go up to Ashton's room and stay there for a while just reliving our separate goodbyes, or past memories of him.

All I could do was think about how this was all my fault.

Ash did so much for me. He tired his best to help me and get me better, I let him down. my last words to him were lies. There's no hope of me getting better without my rock.


This took ages to write because I kept crying at the end of every sentence. I'm sorry to all the Ashton girls that have just died. But this had to happen as too many stories end on a happy note, and that just doesn't always happen in life so I hope you appreciate my non original originalness xD

By the way I'm planning to more chapters and then an epilogue which should be up in the next few weeks as I want to finish this book before my exams.

To anyone who has stayed with this book in the past 5 months, I love you and I hope this was worth waiting for. (probably not)

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