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I finally reached the hospital and bolted through the double doors and ran up to the desk.

"Can you help me please my boyfriend h-he got h-hit by a car and I g-got a phone c-call and-" I stuttered to the lady at the desk.

"What's his name sweetie?" She asked me.

"J-Jai, Jai B-Brooks"

She tapped away at her keyboard as I anxiously waited for an answer.

"Ah yes, term he is on Ward 7 in room 210, but he is in rather critical condition so I'm not sure if they will let you see him. The room is to the right of you when you reach Ward 7, good luck" she smiled.

"Thank you, thank you so much"

I spun on my heal and ran to Ward 7. I finally got there and turned right . I found Jai's room but I couldn't see anyone inside. I lightly tapped on the door and slowly opened it. I walked in and saw Jai lying on a bed with his harm in a sling and his leg wrapped in a cast. His face was covered in cuts and bruises and he had wires attached to him which lead to the constantly beeping machines next to him.

He looked awful.

I slowly walked towards his bed and pulled up a chair next to him. I lightly took his hand and started to trace small circles on his palm.

"Jai? Jai can you hear me?" I whispered.


"Jai?" I tried again.

Still absolutely nothing.

A tear dripped down my cheek onto Jai's hand. I wiped it away as more tears welled in my eyes.

"Come on Jai wake up, I know you can hear me. Please just do something please..." My voice cracked and slowly faded as I got no response from Jai.

Beau, Luke and Tessa soon burst through the for and started bombarding me with questions.

"Listen! I don't know whats wrong with him, all I know is that he has been hit by a car. No doctors have been in to tell me any further news." I stated.

"Well I'll go and get a doctor and see if they can tell us any answers. I'll be back in a minute." Luke said and walked out of the room.

Beau walked towards Jai's bed and sat in the chair I was in before. Tears welled in his eyes as he turned to look at Jai's condition. Tessa walked over to me and gave me a big hug and I broke down in tears as she rubbed my back.

Beau looked towards me and Tessa and a tear fell from his eye.

"Who would do something like this? Was this an accident? Was it Jai's fault?" Beau asked and the tears fell.

"I-I don't know, I r-really don't know Beau." I blubbered.

Luke ran in with a doctor following shortly behind him.

"Hi, I see you are all wondering what has happened to Mr Brooks?"

We all nodded our heads as he continued.

"Well, it appears Mr Brooks has suffered quite a few injuries such as cracked ribs, broken arm and leg and light brain damage. His brain injuries shouldn't be so serious as it is only light but Jai is currently in a coma." He said glancing at his clipboard.

That's when my heart dropped. Everything around me seemed to fade away and all sounds were blocked out.

Jai was in a coma and we didn't know when he was going to wake up.

"Do you know who did this to him? What exactly happened? " Luke asked him.

"We are unsure of any information like that I'm afraid. We're are just going to have to wait for Mr Brooks to wake up and find out some answers." The doctor replied and walked out of the room.

I walked over to the chair and collapsed into it. I brought my knees up to my chest and sobbed into my hands. Why did this have to happen now? Everything was going so well and now theres this.

"So I guess we will have to play the waiting game now huh?" Beau asked as his voice cracked.

I lifted my head from my lap and turned toward Luke, Beau and Tessa.

"I'm not leaving his side. You guys can go home if you want and I will keep you updated if anything happens. I just can't leave him." I softly spoke, tears still pouring down.

"Are you sure? We can stay with you if you want?" Tessa asked.

I slowly nodded and they each came over and gave me a hug.

"Make sure to text or ring us if anything happens." Beau said.

"I will don't worry."

They walked out of the room and gave me a little wave. I turned my head towards Jai and placed my head on his bed. I just hope he wakes up soon.


A/N: Woooo I finally updated!!! Hope you like the chapter :)

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