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'Beau's P.O.V'

Me and Tessa went to the store around the corner and it literally sold everything. It was pretty amazing to be honest.

"So what we gonna buy?" Tess asked.

"Anything you want." I pecked her nose and grabbed a shopping cart.

Me being the childish 21 year old I am was pretending to be a racing car zooming round the corners of the shop isle before crashing into a stand and sending bags of donuts all over the place.

"Oops" I mumbled.

I turned round to see Tessa in hysterics in the floor and I couldn't help but join in.

We ran away quickly and grabbed loads of sweets and drinks (including alcoholic because why not?) and ran too the checkout.

Once we finished we didn't even realise we had bought so much because we had lots of shopping bags! This lot would literally last us about a month!

We headed back home and talked about the future.

"We are gonna be okay aren't we? I mean you are leaving next week so we need to make the most of whilst you are here and then I will see you soon." I asked Tess.

"Of course! I think we have this more planned out that Katie and Jai to be honest because all Katie has done has just cried saying she will miss him. She is making it out like he is dying and never going to see him again!" She chuckled.

We carried on talking until we reached back home.


'Katie's P.O.V'

Me and Jai was just sat on the couch talking about dogs then Beau just had to scream. I mean we was literally right next to the door. He always yells. 

The amount of food they bought was pretty ridiculous but we was surrounded by 5 developing teenage boys and 2 girls who quite enjoy eating their feelings so I wouldn't be surprised if there was nothing left by the end.

Beau seemed to only picked up horror movies which wasn't a problem with me because I literally live off them. I love horrors!

"Do you like horror movies?" Jai asked me.

"Oh god yeah! They are my favourite type of movie."

Jai looked a bit upset with my response probably because he wanted to do that cheesy shit and protect the girl from getting scared. It would probably be the opposite way around.

It was about 9pm and this day had gone so quick. We all made a huge pillow fort on the floor and all got snugly underneath the duvets and blankets.

Beau slipped The Ring in the DVD player and we was surrounded by food.

Jai put his arm around me and I rested my head in his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth.


Two movies and many alcoholic drinks later we was all pretty tipsy and Jai was hilarious when he was drunk.

We ended up playing a game of drunk charades and I think I almost wet myself from laughing so much.

"CHICKEN!" Skip yelled out.

It was James' turn and he was flapping his arms around like crazy. I think if he flapped them any harder his feet would start to come off the ground and he would start flying around the room.

"NO! Oh my god it was an ostrich you absolute penis!" James yelled.

I laughed and rolled back and lay on the floor. I just couldn't stop giggling.

Jai came stumbling over to me and picked me up bridal style.

"And where do you think you are taking me?" I slurred.

"Well gurrrllll, we are gonna go to bed!" He went full on girl and it was just too funny.

"USE PROTECTION!" Beau yelled.

"FUCK OFF YOU STUPID INDIVIDUAL!" Jai yelled back and smiled at me.

I giggled and he ran upstairs with me still in his arms and he kept crashing into the wall.

He finally reached the top of the stairs and he walked into his bedroom. He had posters all over the wall and a big comfy kingsize bed that was calling my name.

He chucked me on it and I rolled over into the wall. I giggled at myself.

"Oucheee, my head." I chuckled.

Jai jumped next to me and gave me a sloppy kiss where it hurt.

"All better now." he smiled.

"Thanks doctor Brooks." I pecked him on the lips and slipped my clothes off.

I ran out of bed and went into Jai's draws and pulled out one of his t-shirts. It smelt like him and it was just heavenly.

"You look better in my clothes than I do." Jai winked at me.

I gave him a cheeky smile and hopped back into bed. Jai pulled the covers over us both and wrapped his arms around me.

I buried my head in his chest and Jai stroked my head. I'm going to miss being with him. Not having him here. Yeah we may only be apart for up to a month but a lot could happen then. I'm just scared of loosing him.

A few minutes of passed from getting lost in my thoughts but they were interrupted by Jai's light snores. I cuddled closer to him and soon dozed off.

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