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'Katie's POV'

It had been around 6 hours since Jai showed signs of life but he still hasn't opened his eyes. It's currently 11:00pm and my eyes are slowly dropping. I'm too scared to fall asleep though just incase he wakes up and I miss it. I gently brushed my thumb over the back of his hand longing for him to squeeze my hand back. 

"Come on Jai" I whispered. 

I sighed and rolled my head back and exhaled loudly holding back the tears. I started to think about all the fun memories me and Jai have had and if I hadn't of walked in that small coffee shop my life would have been completely different. A single tear ran down my face as I placed a sweet kiss on Jai's hand. 

Then it happened again. I felt his fingers twitch and a soft grunt left his mouth. I shot up from my bed and lent over him. 

"Jai? Jai baby wake up, please wake up, please" I softly spoke to him stroking his hair. 

His eyebrows furrowed and his head started to move side to side slowly. All of a sudden his eyes peeled open and he looked directly at me.

"Jai,JAI OH MY GOD YOU'RE AWAKE! Oh my god." I whispered to him not letting go of his hand. 

He gave me one of his heart melting smiles and chuckled slightly at my reaction. 

"Hey." He croaked.

"I thought you weren't going to wake up." Tears streamed down my face looking at him. 

I sat down on the edge of the bed as he clung on to my hand. He tried lifting his other arm but dropped it straight away as an intense wave of pain hit him. He hissed at his actions and scrunched up his face. 

"I better go and get a nurse to tell them your awake." I started to stand up off the bed but he pulled my hand slightly which made my head jolt towards him. 

"Wait, can I at least have a kiss first?" He smirked up at me.

I smiled and laughed at him as I lent my head towards his. Our lips instantly collided and it felt like a life time since I felt his lips respond to mine. We moved perfectly in sync as his tongue slid along my bottom lip. I parted my lips so he could have entry and his tongue battled with mine. 

We both pulled away, out of breath and smiled at each other. 

"Well I definitely missed that." Jai cheekily smiled at me. 

I let out an airy laugh and went to find a nurse. I soon found one and they started to assess Jai's condition. 

"So Jai, what was the last thing you remember before having your accident." The middle aged nurse asked him. 

"All I remember is walking away from my 'friend' and then it all just went black from there." Jai stated. I'm guessing this 'friend' is Sam. 

"Okay, who is this person you were with if you don't mind me asking?" The nurse asked him. 

"Erm, he's called Sam Lloyd and I just needed to discuss something with him."He stuttered.

The nurse nodded her head and continued to write things down on a form she had pinned to a clip board. 

"So Jai, I'm going to tell you what happened to you and the reason why you are in hospital" She softly spoke to him. 

I interwound mine and Jai's fingers together whilst I looked down at him, sitting beside him. He nodded his head waiting for her to speak. 

"Okay, you were hit by a car almost 4 weeks ago on Slattery Avenue. You came out with a few cracked ribs, your right arm was broken and your left leg was also broken. You also had light brain damage which lead you to fall in a coma, your very lucky you survived young man." She spoke to him. 

His face looked shocked at what she had just told him. 

"4 weeks ago? Oh my..." Jai sat their in disbelief. He tilted his head towards me and I gave him a meaningful smile. 

"Thank you anyway for all your support." Jai smiled to the nurse. 

"Anytime Mr Brooks." She nodded her head and began to walk out the room. 

"Did you stay here the whole time?" Jai questioned me. 

I nodded my head at him with a brief smile on my face. "I went home a few times to have a shower and pick up some more clothes but I stayed with you every night"

"You didn't have to do that, I wasn't going anywhere." His eyes welled up with tears. 

"I wanted to. I was too scared to leave you incase something happened to you." I lent down on his bed beside him, being careful not to touch him. 

"I should call Beau and tell him your awake, everyone has been so worried about you." I shuffled closer to him. 

A quiet hum left his throat as his eyes shut. 

"You must be tired." He said to me. 

"A bit." I whispered as my eyes began to close. 

Soon enough we both fell asleep together. I had waited so long to do this and I'm so glad I've finally got my Jai back. 


A/N~I AM SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. Hopefully I will try and update more often now. Please vote and comment it would mean a lot :) 

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