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'Katie's P.O.V'

Whilst I was sitting on the couch Tessa came out of her room in a pair of leggings, a baggy jumper and a messy bun in her hair.

"Woah, You look gorgeous!" She said to me whilst sitting down next to me.

"Thanks, you're looking quite the stunner yourself." I said with a hint of sarcasm then laughed.

"Errr thanks I guess." We both cracked up with laughter.

"You gonna be okay on your own for a while?" I asked her.

"I will be fine, Beau's coming round anyway."

"Okay well don't have too much fun, if you know what I mean." I winked at her.

"We'll try not too." She said returning the wink.

Next minute there was a knock on the door. Tessa got up and opened it.

"Oh, hey Jai. Yeah she's here, one sec... KATIE JAI'S HERE!" She shouted. 

I walked to the door and Jai's eyes opened wide and a his jaw dropped.

"Err hi." I said to him, this was getting slightly awkward as he was still staring at me. "Jai?" I waved my hand infront of his face.

"Oh-uh-sorry, you just look...stunning!" Jai stuttered making me blush.

"Thanks, you are looking very handsome yourself!" I said winking at him causing him to blush.

"Thanks, well we better get going, see you later Tess." Jai said taking my hand.

"Bye guys! Have fun!" Tessa shouted down the corridor and me and Jai waved to her.

"Sooo.... Are you gonna tell me where we are going?" I asked Jai as we walked to the car.

"Nope, it's a surprise."

I went along with it and got in the car. We were both singing along to the radio and laughing at everyone's reactions. Jai being Jai, whenever we stopped at a traffic light he would wind his window down and sing to people walking by.

After about a 20 minute drive we arrived at this beautiful restaurant. It was low lighted and had candles sitting on the table and all around the room.

"Jai, this is beautiful!"

"Like you then." Jai winked at me linking my arm with his as we walked in.

"Reservations for two?" Jai said to the man behind the desk.

"Name?" The man replied


"Follow me." The waiter took us to a table by the window and it looked to magical.

"May I get you any drinks whilst you chose your food?" The waiter asked us.

"I will take a coke please." I said and he looked at Jai.

"Same please, thank you."

We looked at the menu and all the food sounded delicious.

After we finished the food we started to get to know each other a little bit more.

"So, do you think you will be staying in LA?" Jai asked me.

"Probably, this place is amazing. Plus we went out to explore today and the places we want to work said they would take us on whenever we are ready, so that's good news."

"That's amazing! Then I can spend more time with you!" Jai winked.

"Thanks Jai."

"For what?" He looked confused.

"For taking me out, putting up with me, giving me compliments all the time. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me and I don't think anybody has even asked to spend more time with me!" I chucked as well as Jai. "But seriously you don't have to keep it up. None of the things you say are true, I know..."

"Your very welcome and don't say that! Every compliment I say to you is true and I mean them from the bottom of my heart. I would never lie to you. I think your a really beautiful, funny, caring and lovely girl and I love spending time with you!"

I wiped a year from my eye.

"Hey, don't cry! I didn't mean to-"

"No, I'm not upset, it's just nobody has said anything like that to me before and I'm so glad we are friends. You are also a handsome, funny, amazing guy and I'm so glad I chose your shop to get some food." I giggled and looked Jai in the eye.



"I really, really like you and I was wondering if...uh...umm...would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?"

I looked at Jai. Was he being serious? I looked at him blankly.

"Oh shit. Did I say it too soon? I'm sorry I didn't mea-"

I cut him off by crashing my lips against his. It took him by surprise at first but then he started kissing back. It was like out first kiss all over again. His soft lips moved in sync with mine. I pulled away slowly remembering the amount of people surrounding us. 

"Of course I will be your girlfriend Jai." I smiled at him and he kissed me again. "Thank you for asking" I said to him.

"You don't know how long I have wanted this moment to happen!" he said to me causing me to giggle. "Come on, let's go."

We walked out of the restaurant after Jai payed for me. We got in the car and drove back to my place. We arrived outside after singing One Direction from the top of our lungs.

"Do you wanna stay tonight? Beau is probably staying so it's only fair if you do too?" I chucked and he nodded. He gave me another kiss and we got out of the car.

We got to the front door and I knocked on. I did have a key but it would be a bit awkward if we walked in on some 'business' those two could be up to. Tessa opened the door still looking like what she looked like before so I take it they didn't do anything.

"Hey guys!" Tessa said and walked to the couch and snuggled under a blanket with Beau. They were watching Pitch Perfect and me and Jai walked in the kitchen.

"I will just go and get changed and we can join them two if you want? Or watch a film in my room?" I asked Jai wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"I prefer the second choice." He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. He kissed me and then we headed to my room.

"Jai's staying tonight so we are gonna watch a film in my room so night guys. Oh yeah, we are together now." I told Tessa and Beau. They both turned around and looked at us.

"Okay see you tomorrow." Tessa said turning back around.

We walked into my room and before I closed the door Beau shouted.

"DON'T FORGET PROTECTION!" I giggled and shouted back.

"I COULD SAY THE SAME THING TO YOU TOO!" I closed the door and pulled out some pj's.

"I'll just go and get changed." I said to Jai walking into my bathroom. He nodded and I closed the door. I wiped my make-up off and brushed my teeth. I walked back out to find Jai only in his underwear climbing into bed. I giggled and shook my head. I put Step Brothers on the TV and got in bed with Jai.

I rested my head on Jai's bare chest and listens to his heartbeat.

"You know your beautiful right?" Jai said to me.

"Thanks, but I'm not."

"Yes you are! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!"

I looked up at him and gave him a kiss. I pulled away and said "Thank you". He pulled me back up and kissed me again. It was much more passionate than any of our other kisses. He licked my bottom lip and I refused his entrance so he frowned and tried again. I giggled and he bit my lip making me gasp and giving him his chance to collide his tongue with mine. After about 10 minutes we both pulled away.

"Best-kiss-ever" I whispered trying to catch my breath.

"Mmmh" Jai replied and kissed the top of my head. Soon after we both fell asleep.

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