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'Katie's P.O.V'

*** 1 month later ***

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Tessa asked me for the 100th time.

"Yes! I'm positive. I'm sorry I can't come with you, I just don't think LA is right for me anymore."

Yep. Today was the day Tessa was going back to LA. This was the time I was supposed to be going with her and seeing Jai again. But no. I haven't had a single message off Jai since being back. Beau has text me a few times telling me that he is a mess and telling me too text him. I really want to but I just can't.

"I'm going to miss you so much! I'm not going to have my sister by my side anymore." Tessa croaked whilst she hugged me.

I could feel the lump in my throat. I held the tears back and hugged Tessa tightly.

"I'll miss you too babe." I whispered as a tear fell down onto my cheek.

I let go and wiped my eyes. We was stood in the airport waiting for her flight too be called.

"Flight 569 to Los Angeles is now boarding."

"I guess this is it." We both stood up and hugged for the last time.

"I promise I will visit one day!" I cried.

"You better keep that promise!" Tessa cried back.

"Pinky swear." I smiled.

Tessa picked her hand luggage up and turned around giving me a final wave. She walked towards her gate and boarded the plane.

I hoped back into my car and drove home. Once I arrived back home I was alone because my mum had gone on a business trip for 2 weeks so basically I had no one.

I walked into my bedroom and decided to have a cosy day. I had a hot bath and got into my fluffy PJ's. I walked into the front room and grabbed a blanket from the cupboard. I walked into the kitchen, made a hot chocolate with about half a can of squirty cream on top and grabbed a tub of chocolate ice cream from the freezer.

I got settled down and put Home Alone on. I love this film. Plus it's close too Christmas so it gets me all tingly and excited.

I was about 10 minutes in the film when there was a knock on the door.

"And I just got comfy!" I sighed to myself.

I had no clue who it could be. Tessa is on a plane, Mums on a business trip for 2 weeks but wouldn't knock anyway, I haven't ordered anything online so it can't be the post man?

I pulled myself up and walked too the door. These are the times I really wish we had a spy hole in our door.

I unlocked the door and twisted the handle. I looked up and did not expect too see that. 

'Jai's P.O.V'


"Tessa's coming back tomorrow." Beau informed me.

I just nodded my head. He hasn't stopped going on about her. Do you think I like living with him constantly going on about her when every time he does it just reminds me of Katie.

I know sometimes he try's to control it but he just doesn't stop! I know Katie won't be coming back tomorrow with Tessa because Beau never says Katie's name, it's just Tess.

I still love her. I love her so much. But I never know what to say to her if I try to attempt to text or ring her. I know she said through the door that night that she believes me and knows that I didn't cheat on her but for all I know she could have moved on now. Forgot about me.

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