chapter 4

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It's finally the day. My kind of wedding?

We're just gonna sign the papers.

I have formal clothes on to make a good impression. I'm actually looking forward to it and super excited to see him, because I still don't know what the hell he looks like. I can't stop wondering how he'll look like, how his will voice sound and the way he'll act.

Obviously I have to make sure that I stay formal and keep my poker face on. Being professional, formal and calm is the key.

One wrong word and I'm done for. These business men are no joke.

A deep breath. Okay, I'm ready.

My parents are already waiting for me.

Walking down the stairs I make sure my clothes are on point.

„You look good, don't worry.", mom assures me.

„Thank you mom, I'm revising right now and really nervous.", I start playing with my fingers again, in hope  that it will calm me down.

„Come on guys, we're running late, let's go already.", dad's already in the car? Oops, I guess I was taking too long.

„Go, put on your shoes. You don't want to upset your soon-to-be-husband, do you?", Theo shouts from the living room.

„Shut up, I'm mentally preparing myself. I'm getting married for your sake, you idiot!", shit I'm loosing my cool.

As soon as I stepped outside I put my poker face back on. I need to make sure that it's glued to my face. I can't risk anything today.


We're here.

Oh god. This is real.

I feel like I'm shitting my pants.

Ok, I can do this.

This is not time to panic.

Let's go and get married.

Keep the poker face on.

Stay professional.

We walk inside.

I stand in front of an altar?

But there's no one here except for me, my parents and a guy behind that „altar".

Is he seriously not coming to his own wedding?

I look to my parents and they seem a little worried. 

The door suddenly opens.

I'm startled but make sure no one sees it.

I turn around calmly and see a handsome man in a suit. Mysterious entrance, I'm impressed but you're late, jackass.

„I apologize for being late. Mr. Romano will not attend today due to his work. He prepared the papers in advance. He also took care of the moving.", he said with such elegance. I'm amazed.

But wait, this is not the guy I'm marrying?

„Who are you?", I walk toward him.

„Excuse my rudeness. I'm Gabriel, Mr. Romano's personal driver and 2. Assistant. I will escort you today.", his voice is calm and soothing.

„Shall we get started?", the man behind the altar asks.

„Yes of course.", I say and Gabriel leads the way.

I sign the papers and Gabriel tells me to come with him, so I do. My parents will follow behind.

I have no idea where we're headed to.


We arrive.

„This is your home now."

We walk inside the building and everyone greets Gabriel.

„You'll live on the top floor, that's the penthouse.", he explained.

And wow this view cannot be topped.

The New Yorker Skyline looks beautiful.

He shows me the entire apartment.

When you come in there's the living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and the terrace.

There're two more floors. The first one is my floor with a bedroom, a bathroom, a walk-in closet and a little study. The floor above mine is Emilio's.

We don't go upstairs.

Gabriel explains how everything works. He continues to hand me a black card and a key for the apartment. He says the card is for groceries or other things I might need. I won't need to think about my fees or money in general. The black card has no limits, that means I could buy anything I want, but I'm not like that. 

Does Emilio trust me? He wouldn't hand a black card to a stranger, would he? It means a lot to me, because when I was little my family didn't have much, we only had enough to live. Well look at me now with a black card in hand.

I'm stunned. Not only is this place practically mine but I also don't have to spent a single cent.

My parent stand next to me and they're beaming, it's almost blinding me but who can blame them?

Now, it's time to get settled in. 

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