chapter 18

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God I'm so bored. I don't think I can wait another second.

I walk upstairs to Emilio's masterbedroom.

The door's open, so I step inside.

„Wow honey you look... immaculate.", he stands there looking like an idiot.

I push his chin up to close his mouth.

„Thank you. You look, just as always.", I sit down.

„I mean it as a compliment. I know that you know how you look.", I shrug.

„How do I look?", he smirks at me.

I get up: „You just", one step,

„look", second step,

„so", third step,

„cold", forth step,

„emotionless", fifth step,

„rich", I put my hands on his chest.

„Yet very hot, sexy and mesmerizing."

His chest rises too quickly, I fear he might collapse.

„God you are... breathtaking.", he wispers.

„If I'm so breathtaking, you should be dead already.", I look deep into his eyes.

„Guess I am then.", he shrugs.

„Alright corpse groom, are you ready?"

„Oh, right, just the tie and then we can leave.", he turns to the mirror.

„Can I do it for you?"

„Do what?", he looks at me through the mirror.

„Tie your tie, you idiot.", he smirks at me.

While I tie his tie, his eyes are glued to my face. I could feel him watching every single move.


„We're here, honey.", we get out and he hands his keys to a valet boy. I saw Emilio wanting to open my door but he didn't. I think he knows I wouldn't want that.

We walk in together. I feel his hand on my lower back.

„Good evening Mr. Romano, your table is not ready yet. Please wait for a moment." A waitress escorts us to a table and brings us 2 glasses of water.

„Oh Emilio. I didn't know you were here too.", some lady approaches us. As soon as she locks eyes with Emilio she pulls her dress down a bit and pushes her boobs up.

„Lydia, it's been a long time since we last saw each other.", he says coldly. He doesn't pay attention to her like she hoped he would.

I can't believe that this is the type of women he slept with. I thought my husband had taste, I guess I was wrong.

„Who's that girl? Are you hooking up with a high school girl? That's sad.", she eyes me up and down. Bitch who tf are you?

„So you're saying I should hook up with you?", he obviously doesn't take her seriously. 

„In fact this high school girl is actually my wife and she isn't a high school girl.", she looks at me, shocked and too stunned to say a thing. Instead of talking, going away or doing anything else she keeps staring at me. I know I'm hot right now but if you keep staring like that you'll make me blush.

Can't she just go away? 

It's getting creepy. 

She isn't even blinking. 

Are we sure she didn't die?

It's crystal clear that she wants what she can't have, and now she's jealous because that bitch realized that the thing she wanted was taken away, forever, by me. 

I think she saw Emilio as an insurance.

„Mr. Romano your table is ready.", the waitress says carefully and leads the way for us.

I get up and walk passed this Lydia and give her a bitch I have what you can't have look with a hint of I fucking warn you.

She flinched and didn't even walk away after we left.

Emilio and I walk upstairs.

And wow this is beautiful.

Just one table for us. And everything looks so perfectly designed and decorated. I can't hide my excitement and interest.

I walk around and have a look at everything.

„Wow, Emilio this is... beautiful.", I'm completely mesmerized by this view.

„C'mon let's order first and then have a look at the rest.", he leads me over to our table. 

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