chapter 49

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Today is my first day at work. I'm so excited, I can't even sit still. Oh god, I'm freaking out.

"You'll be fine.", Elio reassures me.

It turned out that Elio liked me from the start, I just assumed that he didn't like me. And Renzo is such a sweetheart, I just thought that Elio forced him to hate me too. But they both like me. Right now Elio is bringing me to work and for the first week he'll keep me company, if any problems occur.

"Thank you, I'm just so excited. What are we gonna do first?"

"We're paying Emilio a visit first. We're here.", he gets out first.


"Hello Mr. Bello-Romano.", I greet him. The both of us want to keep our private life out of work. That was also one of the conditions.

"Mrs. Bello-Romano, good to see you. Let's have a look at your office shall we?", the brothers lead the way and I just follow them.

"Mrs. Bello-Romano? Are you guys serious?", Elio seems offended and honestly I'm not surprised, since we're newly weds and we should be all lovey-dovey. But I think he forgot how good I am when it comes to business and my pokerface is perfect remember?

"We're separating private and business.", I say without a single emotion in my voice. He doesn't even answer.

"Here we are.", they halt.

"Do you want to open the door yourself?", Emilio asks me and I nod.

The moment I opened the door my entire body froze. I fell in love with this office. This is totally my style and the view looks even more beautiful, I can see the sun coming up.

"Did you decorate this?", I ask Emilio.

"This is a little gift. Since it's your first day.", he points at the desk. There's a little box.

I slowly unwrap it when I see COO ELIANA BELLO-ROMANO.

"Oh my god, I love it thank you.", the view really is on another level, but still nothing compared to ours at home.

"And the office was my gift, congrats Eliana.", Elio has his dad's cute smile. I hope our nieces and nephews will have that smile too.

"Thank you, Elio. You really didn't have to, I could've-", I didn't even get to finish my sentence.

"No, just take it. There's a lot of work you need to do as COO, that's the least I could do and Renzo has his own gift. He'll be here in an hour. And as long as you don't have a secretary I'll handle your schedule.", the two brothers looks so good together, especially in their working suits. I never thought about it too much.

"I appreciate that, I'm sure I'll find someone quickly. I don't want to hold you back from your duties."

"Now that everything is set, I will be taking my leave, I have a lot on my plate today. Eliana, I'll see you for lunch?"

"Was that a question to the COO or your wife?", he raises a brow.

"I'm kidding, yes I'll come over."


"Mrs. Bello-Romano?", Renzo knocks.

"Come on in.", he looks just as good as his cousins, god this family is hot. I just never paid too much attention because I only had eyes for Emilio. I like it, it's nice to have a hot family. It'd look like a harem with these three and my brother.

"I've brought you my present. Come in.", who's he calling.

"What are you doing here?", I jump up to hug her.

"I'm Mary, your new secretary.", what?

"What? Oh my god. Renzo. Thank you, I was really scared to look for someone to become my secretary."

"I get it, that's why I asked her and since we've known each other since we were children and our families are close, she's the perfect one for the job.", he's so proud of himself, how cute.

"You did well, Renzo.", I reassure him.

"Now that's enough talking. Renzo get back to work and you two, I'll show you what the plan for today is.", Elio stands up and pushes Renzo out.

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