chapter 23

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„So, you wanna tell me what's going on?", Ivy turns around. 

„What are you talking about?", I stop walking. 

„Uhm, you have a husband?", she walks towards me.

„Ok. I'll tell you everything when we're there."

Our lectures finished and I knew she would confront me today, so I'm taking her home, to explain everything.
I also haven't seen her when Emilio was in the hospital and I stayed home with him, I wasn't ready to tell her why I didn't come to uni.

She was surprisingly calm on the way home, but when we finally stood in front of the building, I live in, she got a little nervous.

„Woah, you're kidding me. This is your new place? How can you afford this? You're a student in New York City and your parents own a restaurant.", she just stands in the middle of the room and looks around.

„Do you want something to drink?", I want to tell her when I'm ready, but if she keeps being like this I will never be ready.

„No, I want to know what's going on already."

„Alright, let's sit down.", she carefully sits down, like she's scared to break something. 

„What is going on? We've known each other since high school and you've never been this secretive before."

„Well, my parents arranged marriaged me. And this is my husband's apartment building. I have my own floor here and I don't have to worry about money. At least it started that way. He's truly an amazing man, he's caring and loving. I really like him."

She says nothing.

She just stares.

At me.

„What? You weren't dating anyone and you're married now? Is he treating you well? If there're cameras here let's go, now.", she's shaking.

„Ivy.", I grab her hands to reassure her that everything is fine.

„Hm?", is she crying?

„Listen to me. It's not like that. I was really scared at first too but now he's very important to me.", she jumps on me and we hug each other.

„You really scared me, you know? When there was this guy picking you up and he said "wife" I just freaked.", she sobs.

„I'm so sorry, I should've told you sooner. I was hesitating because I just wasn't ready to talk about it.", I stroke her back.

„Fuck, Eliana. You got me worried sick. I thought he might abuse you or something cuz you weren't talking to me. Is he really treating you well?", she looks at me with her cute red face.

„Yes, he is.", I keep smiling when I think of him. I can't control myself. It just happens.

„Did you guys already do it?", she wiggles her brows.

„IVY!", I slap her arm.

„Ow, that hurt. Damn you're strong. But c'mon tell me I can see it."

„Okay, yes we did it. And when I tell you he's a literal god I mean it.", Ivy's eyes went massive.

„Oohh my girl is finally having fun herself. Omg she grew up.", she wipes away a fake tear.

„What do you mean? I was in a relationship a few years ago."

„Yes, you were but you were no fun to hang around with. Always too chicken.", she shrugs.

„What? No way! It's you. You and your it's the one guy. By the way how is it going with Jae?", she blushes.

„It's been good. He invited us to a party, will you come with me?"

„I don't know yet, I'll talk to Emilio about this first."

„Who?", in that moment the door opened.

Emilio steps inside.

„Hey honey, I'm back.", he looks at me and then he sees Ivy.

„Oh, hello there.", he nods towards Ivy.

„Him.", I look at her.

„Hey, why home so early?", I walk over to him.

„I finished early.", he kisses my cheek.

„Hello, I'm Emilio, Eliana's husband.", they shake hands.

„Woah girl this your guy? He hotter than I remember.", Emilio laughs.

„Anyways, I would love to stay but I have to start studying. I'll text you later."

„Of course. Bye.", I wave her goodbye.

„Goodbye.", Emilio waves too, with his other hand around my waist.

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