Week 2

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The next morning Luffy had visitors: Ace and Marco. As normal, Law left them alone in the room while checking on some other patients.

Ace was really happy that his brother was awake and well, even though he could barely move a muscle.

(Ace) -So... how the hell did this happen?
(Luffy) -Ah... I can't really remember...
(Marco) -Did you loose your memory? Maybe we should ask the doctor about that...
(Luffy) -Torao said I'll do an exam later to check if everything is okay.
(Ace) -Torao?
(Luffy) -Yes, my nurse.- he smiled.
(Marco) -Isn't his name Trafalgar Law?
(Luffy) -Yes, but Torao is my nickname for him.

Ace smirked and leaned closer to his brother.

(Ace) -Nickname, hun? Tell me little bro... don't you find that nurse of yours kinda cute? *winks*
(Luffy) -T-Torao..? I don't know... hadn't really thought about it.

Marco rolled his eyes.

-Ace, drop it. Let him be.
-What? I was just teasing.

Before Luffy could reply, Law entered the room and this time, Luffy had a good look at him. He wasn't bad looking at all, quite the opposite. Tall, with dark hair and golden eyes, hidden behind a thin pair of glasses, a small goatee and little sideburns. The black shirt he wore under his white jacket was unbuttoned enough so that Luffy could see a tattto peeking out. Come to think of it, he had a lot of tattoos, over his hands as well.

(Damn, he isn't just cute

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(Damn, he isn't just cute... He's hot as fuck!)

Hey guys, just to make it clearer, all Law's thoughts will be written between '...'
Luffy's will be in brackets like (...)

-Sorry to interrupt but it's time for Luffy's check up, I need to take him to the X-ray room.- Law informed.
-No problem, we were just about to go.- Ace replied.

As the couple left, Law took Luffy to do his exam and by the time they finished he took him back to the room. He fed him, gave him his medication and went to get the reports from his exam afterwards.

-Good news Luffy, your test results were surprisingly positive. You have a couple of broken bones but with the proper rest and care, you should be able to do a full recovery in 6 weeks.-Law informed with a smile as he entered back room 12.

Luffy's heart skipped a beat as he saw his nurse's smile for the first time. His smile was something heavenly. Since Ace mentioned it, he couldn't stop thinking about it. How incredibly handsome Law was.

-That's great.- Luffy replied smiling back.

Law approached his bed and pulled his covers down.

-It's time for a bath now, I'll help you.- Trafalgar said and Luffy felt his cheeks burning.
-E-Eh? How..?
-I'll bring you to the bathtub and I can wash you there, just need to be careful not to soak your casts.

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