Week 3

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-Good morning Torao!- Luffy greeted his nurse with a cheerful smile.
-Morning Luffy. How come you're already awake? You normally sleep till noon.- Law replied as he walked towards his patient's bed.
-I guess I'm not that sleepy today.- Luffy said, his eyes on the man in front of him.
-Are you feeling anything unusual, any sort of soreness or pain? -Law asked, wanting to make sure Luffy was well.
-Not really, just tired of these annoying casts. When can I take them out?
-You'll do an x-ray later to check how much longer you'll need to keep using them for.
-Argh... I hope I get to take them out today... Né Torao... can you help me with something?
-Of course, what is it?
-I...- Luffy looked down.- I need to use the toilet...

Law chuckled quietly and helped him getting up, taking him to the bathroom.
He found it funny how Luffy would look down embarrassed every time he asked to go to the bathroom. Even though he had been awake for two weeks now, and Trafalgar had helped him several times before.

He took Luffy back to bed and sat next to him.

-Luffy, I have something for you.
-Hum? A surprise?- Luffy smiled.- What is it?

Law took a book and a small plastic bag out of his briefcase.

-Torao... you brought me food..?- Luffy asked as he smelled something delicious coming from the bag.
-Yeah, it's a bagel. I picked it up at the store earlier and thought you might like one.- Trafalgar replied.
-A BAGEL?! Torao! That is the best surprise!! Thank you so much! This is amazing! I miss real food!- Luffy cheered loudly making Law laugh.

'His smile is so radiant.'

He proceeded to feed him slowly, giving him some water, making sure Luffy didn't devour it in one second, even though that's what he was trying to do.

-Hum! Thanks for the food Torao~! -Luffy smiled.
-You're welcome.

Law gave him his medicine and then sat down next to him, opening his new book.

-Torao, what are you reading?
-Norwegian Wood, by Murakami.
-Never head of it.
-Well, I haven't really started reading it so I'm not really sure what to expect. A friend recommended it but he didn't really tell me much about the story, just said it was "worth reading."
-Do you read a lot?

Law shrugged.

-I guess. I've always enjoyed reading since I was a kid. It helps to take the mind off reality for a second.
-Hum... reality isn't so bad.- Luffy replied.
-Says the person who's in a hospital bed, can't even move a muscle.
-Hey, that is not true. I can move my tongue.-he pulled his tongue and swirled it.- See? Tongue is a muscle.

For some reason, Law's cheeks became hot and his heartbeat increased.

-Is that the first muscle you could think of?-He said looking away from Luffy as he kept playing with his tongue.
-It is a very important muscle.- the younger replied.- One of my favourite parts of the body, shishishi.
-The tongue?- Law asked dumbfounded.
-Yes! That's how you can speak and taste things and also...- Luffy paused and faced the nurse.

Law looked back at him and saw Luffy's cheeks growing red as he finished his sentence.

-And also... y-you can do other stuff...- the teen shyly looked away.

Trafalgar's eyes fell back on his book.
'What is he...?'

-Né Torao, do you want to read for me?
-E-Eh? Read for you..?
-Yes, you know, since you're starting a new book maybe you could read it out loud. Sabo is always telling me I should read more, this way I get to read the book as well. -Luffy looked back at him smiling.
-You mean, hear the book. You're not actually reading.
-I guess, but it's kinda the same, like an audio book.

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