Suprise party

447 21 14


It's been a week since our fight and I haven't seen him since. I felt miserable when he left, but my pride prevented me from saying anything... The days I spent home alone were honestly horrible, but I know I only had myself to blame for pushing him away...
After going back to work, my mind cleared up a little but I still have to built the courage to text him or call him... I know I need to apologise for the way I acted that day but... Luffy also said some dumb things and he hasn't tried to call or text either... Maybe that's because he doesn't want to see me again... I showed my true colours and scared him away... Arghh! What do I do? I miss him... But I don't know how to face him though... What do I say to him...? I can't think about it now. I need to get ready for work. I'll do it later. After work. I'll figure out what to tell him later. I can call him later. After work.


After work came and as I got home, I started feeling anxious and nervous again. All I could think about was Luffy but I didn't have the guts to call.
What do I say? What if he can't pick up now? Maybe I should just text him... But what should I write?

Before I decided on what to do, someone knocked at the door.

-Who is it?- I asked with my hand on the knob.
-It's Nami. Let me in, Trafalgar Law.- she practically yelled from the other side.

I sighed heavily, opening the door and she stormed in my apartment, an angry look on her face.

-Look, I don't know what's going on between you and Luffy but you need to Knock. It. Off. Get your shit together. Do you hear me?! I've never seen the kid this depressed! If you want to break his heart you better believe I'm gonna hunt you down and—
-Hey hey, what are you talking about?- I interrupted.- Break his heart? I never wanted to—
-Oh! You didn't want to?! Then why did you kick him out of your house last week? Why haven't you tried to contact him ever since? And why is Luffy feeling so miserably shitty every day?

I gulped and froze. She said all the things I didn't want to hear and I could feel it, like a sharp pain on my chest.

-Look Law, I'm not here to scold you for being a terrible person which, by the way, you are. I'm here because Luffy still likes you and he cares for you. If you're an honest man you should at least break up with him in person instead of leading him on.

Break up with him...? I don't want to break up, I never wanted to—

-Today's Luffy's birthday and we're throwing him a surprise party. I came here to invite you because I know Luffy would love to see you there. But I want to make it clear that I do not like you, I do not trust you and if you keep hurting Luffy like this—
-Thanks for the invitation. -I interrupted her again.-
And you don't need to threaten me again, I never wanted to hurt Luffy, honestly...
-Then why did you? -her gaze made me quiver.
-It's complicated...
-To me it sounds like you're being selfish. You're only thinking about yourself and how this bullshit fight you had is affecting You. What about him, hun? What about Luffy? -she sighed.- I have to go now, I'll text you the restaurant's address. Be there at 7pm.
-I'll see if I can make it...
-You should.- she spoke coldly.- See you later, Law.
-See you...- I closed the door and sighed.

What's with this woman? She's truly terrifying... Or maybe it's just the things she said...

-Ahh..- I exhaled loudly and went to my bedroom.

I laid down, my head clouded with thoughts.

Today's Luffy's birthday, hun?


Luffy POV

[6 hours earlier]

-Life is pain.- I mumbled against the pillow.
-It's painful to live.- Zoro replied, his face buried on his pillow too.

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