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-Luffy! What the hell?! Is that...

I froze mid sentence, my eyes fixated on the unconscious body that laid on the ground, covered in blood and gushing wounds.
Is that... Kidd...?

Luffy looked up at me, a panicked expression on his eyes. His body started trembling from the adrenaline and he fell to the side, looking down at his bloody hands.
I was in pure shock and apparently, so was Luffy. I stared down at my boyfriend, speechless, paralysed. I know I should have said something, or done something. I could have helped him up, hugged him, told him everything was gonna be alright; but I didn't. I didn't move, didn't say anything. My mind was bombarded with questions in dismay. I couldn't comprehend what just happened, why Kidd was there, why Luffy attacked him. Or was it self defence...? Did Kidd attack him?

I was processing the image that stood before me when a team of paramedics appeared and took Kidd's body away. Almost immediately, the scene was surrounded by police officers, and Zoro jumped out of the crowd shouting for them to leave Luffy alone.
I regret taking so much time to react... I stood there in silence, half trembling in a quiet panic, as I saw them taking Luffy away.
Zoro, on the other hand, never stopped shouting. Pleading for the officers to let Luffy go, literally throwing himself at the policeman and yelling out:

-He's innocent! Don't touch him! NO! Don't take him!! He's innocent!

Mihawk got a hold of him, telling him to calm down and then his eyes turned to me. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his judgemental gaze on me. I was still wordless, stunned, overwhelmed by the sequence of events that occurred. Nonetheless, when I saw the officers putting Luffy in the police car, something clicked inside my brain, and I finally snapped out of my trance.

-O-Oi!- I shouted.- He's innocent! Don't take him!

The officers completely ignored me, throwing Luffy inside the vehicle abruptly.

-D-Don't take him!- I yelled out.- He's innocent! It was self defence! I have proof! Please! J-Just don't take him!

I ran to the car as they took off, still screaming desperately, but the officers couldn't care less. They drove off and I fell to my knees, feeling tears rolling down my cheeks. My heart started racing and my breath accelerated. I was about to have a panic attack but it was not the time for that. I had to do something. I had to help him. But all I did was sit there, in a frantic panic, as the sudden guilt kicked in, hitting me like a truck.

This was all my fault. Kidd was surely there because of me. And Luffy got in a fight to protect me... Because he knows I wouldn't react well if I saw him. Because he was there the last time I saw Kidd, and he knows how that ended up with me in the hospital... Luffy did this for me. He was trying to protect me from him... He only hurt him to protect me and now he's being arrested... because of me. All because of me! Because I couldn't face Kidd in court. Because I'm weak! Because I allowed him to stay in my life and look where it brought me! The only person who ever loved me right was just taken by the police and I did nothing! I couldn't even move! And now I can't stop crying. What is wrong with me?! Why am I like this? Why did this have to happen?! I destroyed Luffy's life... It should have been me. Luffy doesn't deserve this. This is all MY fault! I can't believe this. I can't believe any of this is happening! What the fuck am I suppose to do?! It's all a misunderstanding, Luffy can't go to jail! I can't live with myself knowing the love of my life was arrested because of me. Because of my bullshit baggage!

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