Family Dinner

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⚠️🔞Graphic content warning


The day we got back from the camping trip, Ace invited us over for dinner, so Luffy and I decided to leave our stuff at my apartment and then go straight to Ace's and Marco's house.

We got home, left our bags in the living room
and then I went to my room to use the toilet. When I walked out Luffy was laying on the bed. He looked up at me and let out a long sigh.

-Ahhh, I'm so tired... Can we have a quick nap before we go?
-I don't think we have time baby, your brother told us to be there at 7pm and it's already 6pm, we need to get going very soon.
-Mhmmm...- he groaned cutely, rubbing in face on the mattress.- So what if we're a couple of minutes late? Ace won't mind.

I chuckled and sat next to him.

-C'mon Luffy, let's have a shower, it'll help you wake up.
-Shower together?- he looked up at me with a cheeky smile.
-Of course, saving water, right?- I smirked.

That seemed to be enough to convince him.
We walked in the bathroom and Luffy removed his clothes and got in the shower first, turning on the hot water, while I fetched him a clean towel and then proceeded to take off my clothes.
I hop in the shower and Luffy's washing his hair, his back turned to me, so I gently lean my body over his, carefully wrapping my arms around his waist and landing soft kisses on his shoulder.

-Mhm~ Torao.- he giggled cutely and turned around.

His hands rested up against my chest and he tiptoed, stretching his body so our lips could meet.
The kiss started slow but as Luffy's hands slid up from my chest, to my neck, to the back of my hair, he tugs it tightly and I let out a low pant, allowing Luffy's tongue to barge into my mouth.
Before I knew it, our bodies were grinding together whilst our tongues desperately wrestled each other.
Luffy's hands began sliding down from my hair to my chest, but then they kept going further down and as I felt him brushing his fingers against my shaft, I pull back with a loud groan.

-G-Gah.. L-Luffy... We really shouldn't... We're gonna be late..- I spoke under soft pants and Luffy looked at me amused, licking his licks.
-C'mon, we'll be quick. You know you want it as much as I do~.

His fingers were back on my boner and the more he groped it, the more he squeezed it and stroke it, the harder it grew. And my head was getting more foggy, more cloudy, like all reason was behind me now. The only thing in front of me was this cute, sexy teenager, teasing the fuck out of me.

-Okay.- I spoke and tried to leave the shower but Luffy held my hand.
-Where are you going?
-To get a condom.
-Argh.- he pulled me back in violently, slamming his lips onto mine.

Then he drew back and I looked at him confused, but he simply turns around with a soft giggle while spreading his legs and lowering his torso all the way down, his face literally at his knees height.

-Don't worry about that, just put it in~.- he wrapped his arms behind his knees and shook his ass at me.

For a second I was just frozen in time, mesmerised by that insanely lewd view. For a second there, I almost shoved my cock inside him, spanking his cheeks harshly and fucking him mindlessly.
But somehow, the voice on the back of my head kept saying "condom" and I ended up running to my room, quickly fetching a condom, literally putting it on while running back towards the toilet.
Unfortunately when I got there, Luffy wasn't posing anymore. He looked at me and laughed.

-You're cute, Torao.
-Mhm? -I picked him up and pressed his back against the wall.
-It's cold!- he whined.
-Don't worry, I'll heat you up soon enough.- I spoke in a low voice and began kissing his neck, my hands sliding to his butt cheeks as I slowly enter him.
-Ahh~ Shit...- he moaned.
-Luffy we gotta be fast... So, I'm not holding back okay?- I asked facing him.
-I don't want you to hold back.- he smirked and then bit my lower lip teasingly.

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