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⚠️🔞Graphic content warning

Luffy POV

I woke up with a sharp headache and quickly noticed Torao wasn't by my side. I reached for my phone on the bedside table and found a little note on top of it.

"Morning babe. Had to go to work, but left breakfast and hangover meds on the kitchen table. Your towel is behind the bathroom door in case you want to shower. Make yourself at home <3"

He drew a little heart. Ahhhh! Torao! I miss you already...
I checked my phone, 11:30am and I have practice in the afternoon so I should probably get ready.
And so I did. I had a quick shower, breakfast and a painkiller.

Only by the time I left Torao's flat did I remember the things I said the previous night. And oh boy... How could I forget...
Argh, shit! I shouldn't have brought that up when I was drunk! What was I thinking?! I even practiced the talk with Ace so I would say the right things... Ahh, I hope I didn't fuck up... Torao didn't say anything... Is he okay? I hope he's not mad... I hope he's not anxious and nervous thinking about what I said. I hope he's okay... He said he would think about it. But don't think to hard Torao... I'm here to help you with that burden.
Maybe I should call him. Argh, but he's at work. Maybe I should text him.

"Hey baby, just left your flat.
Thanks for breakfast, it was supper yummy 😋"


"And thanks for the hangover pill,
it literally saved my life 😅😂"


"Also... I'm sorry about yesterday.
I shouldn't have brought that
conversation up when I was drunk..."


"Anyway... Hope you're okay ."


"Have a nice day at work and call me when you can. I would love to meet up later if you want 😉"


"Love you ❤️"


Sheesh, look at this spam. Oh well... I'm sure he'll reply when he has the time.


When I got back to the dorms, I was surprise to find the room empty.
Now that I think of it, I can't recall when was the last time I saw Zoro... I think we were in the last pub... Or maybe before that. Why would we leave without Zoro, though... Oh! Because Shachi told us he saw Zoro leaving with a random guy. Right. I made a joke about it. Ahh, it was a funny one! What was it...? Wait, no. Zoro! Where is he?
I called his phone but it went straight to voice mail.
Fuck... What now? I hope he's okay... but it's almost training time and Zoro is always early. He likes to do his own warm up one hour before practice. Maybe he's already there, at Uni.
Wait... But his backpack is here. And his sneakers, and his practice clothes...
Shit... this is bad... This is really bad. How could I be so irresponsible?! I shouldn't have left without Zoro! What if he's lost somewhere? Argh... Is there any way for me to track his phone? What should I do?! What would Torao do? I can't call him, he's at work... Ah! I'll call Nami! I'm sure she'll know what to do.

Just as I was waiting for Nami to pick up the phone, the bedroom door opened and Zoro walked in.

-Zoro!!- I shouted and hung up running to him.
-Oi, what are you doing?- He asked as I gave him a tight hug.
-I was worried about you! Yesterday you disappeared out of nowhere and when I tried to call your phone went straight to voice mail!
-My battery died.- he replied dryly pushing me away.
-Where were you? Where did you spend the night?
-That's none of your business. Let's just say I moved on.
-You moved on...? AHHH!- I gasped loudly.- YOU HAD SEX!
-Do you wanna shout that louder? I think the people across the hall didn't hear you.
-Oh my God!! Zoro!! That's great! Who is he?! Cute doctor? Tell me everything!
-No. We're not 16 year old girls.
-Oh c'mon!! I want to knoooow.
-At least tell me his name.
-Show me his instagram.
-He doesn't have one.
-WHAT?! He doesn't have instagram? How old his he? Like 40? Ahahaha. - I joked, but then noticed Zoro's straight face looking away from me.

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