Pub Crawl

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Waking up next to Luffy is without a doubt the best way to start the day. I couldn't help but smile, watching him sleeping so peaceful next to me. I could stay in bed for hours just taking this moment in.

Unfortunately the moment didn't last long.
I got a call from Shachi which forced me to get out of bed, since I left my phone on the desk. I picked up and went to the toilet so Luffy wouldn't wake up.

-Yo Law! What's up? I was just calling to confirm we're going to the Uni party today. Me and Penguin will pick you up at 6pm, okay?
-Ahh, shit. That's today. Right.
-Eh? What do you mean? You didn't forget about it, did you?
-Ahhh... I might have... I'm a bit busy now, can I call you later?
-Law, we've had this planned for weeks! You better not call it off!
-Right right. Let's talk about it later.
-Argh, alright, but call me before 4pm!
-Okay. Oh, one more thing Shachi, can we bring guests?
-Guests? Yeah, I guess so. Wait, why are you asking this..? And you said you were busy... WAIT! IS LUFFY THERE?! DID YOU GUYS MAKE UP?!
-Alright, I'm hanging up now.

I hung up, washed my face, brushed my teeth and walked back in the bedroom.

I sat back on the bed but apparently that was enough to wake him up. Luffy slowly opened his eyes and smiled as he looked at me.
My heart tightened.
He's so cute.

-Morning.- he spoke with a soft husky voice and I leaned closer.
-Good morning love.- I replied, gently hugging him and placing soft kisses on his cheeks.

He giggled cutely under my touch and at that moment my heart was so full. Literally full.
I forgot how incredible this feels. How unbelievably amazing it feels just to be next to him, just by holding him close.

-Last night was... It was incredible.- he said looking me in the eyes.
-Yeah... It really was.
-I could use a shower though.
-Mind if I join you?
-It wouldn't be the same without you.- he winked and I chuckled.


After a long loving shower, we walked in the kitchen and I prepared us some breakfast. We sat on the table eating and I decided to bring it up.

-So... Luffy, you busy tonight?
-Mhm?- he looked at me, mouth full and I couldn't help but laugh.


-There's this Pub crawl organised by the Student Union from my University. I promised Shachi and Penguin I would go even though I don't drink... Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to come. You can bring some friends if you want.
-Mhm! Mhm! -he nodded with a smile, quickly swallowing all the food in his mouth.- I would love to! Sounds like a great idea. I haven't been to a pub crawl since fresher's week, shishishi. Oh, and I can invite Zoro. He's been really down since Sanji broke up with him... I'm sure a night of drinking will cheer him up.
-What? They broke up? -I asked confused.
-Well yeah, like 4 days ago. I didn't tell you cause...
-Right... Cause of our stupid fight.
-Torao, it's okay.- he spoke with a smile, taking my hand.- Just forget about that.
-Thanks baby.- I leaned closer to peck his lips.- So, Shachi and Penguin are meeting me here at 6pm. We can pick you and Zoro up at the dorms after. Penguin's driving us there and then I'll drive us back.
-Cool! I'm excited to go out with your friends. Night out is a great way to bond with people, shishishi.

Argh shit, I should probably tutor Penguin and Shachi on how to interact with Luffy. They're great, and I'm lucky to have them as my friends but... They can also be supper weird and awkward. I don't want them to bombard Luffy with personal questions, that's just gonna make everyone feel uncomfortable. Ahhh... I guess I should tell them to come a bit earlier.

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