Week 4

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A week had passed after Luffy removed his casts. Since his condition had improved a lot, Law was assigned less hours with this patient and spent more of his time helping others.
Even though Law explained the situation to the teen, he wasn't happy about it. Luffy missed his nurse. He missed spending his days talking to him, he missed the meals together, the nap times, when Law would read to him until he fell asleep. He missed having all Law's attention to him. But there was nothing he could do about it. Law was busy working and he couldn't simply force him to spend every day in room 12 keeping him company.

-Hey Luffy, how are you feeling? -Trafalgar entered the room and Luffy gave him a big smile.
-Toraoo~! I haven't seen you all day, how are you?

Law chuckled lowly and walked towards the younger man.

-I've got good news for you.- he said.
-What is it?- Luffy asked, admiring the smiled that formed on Law's lips.
-Your recovery amazed a lot of doctors at the hospital. After reviewing your latest exams, they've decided to let you leave in three days.
-Three days?

Luffy paused, and Law didn't understand why he wasn't cheering happily.
Luffy was, however, feeling weirdly empty. He was already missing Law that much and he still saw him everyday at the hospital. What was gonna happen when he left? Was he never gonna see Trafalgar again? He didn't like that idea.

-T-That's great.- Luffy spoke after zooming out of his thoughts.

(I need to do something before I leave. I need to tell him that I like him. But what if he's not gay?)

-So, I'm gonna go get your lunch and then I have to leave because I'm needed in room 19.-Law spoke, interrupting Luffy's line of thought.
-Né Torao, why don't you have lunch with me? I miss the times when you use to feed me...-Luffy stared into Law's eyes, pouting cutely.

Law paused as he looked at him.
'His lips seem so smooth...'

-W-Well, my lunch time is only in two hours and yours is now, so I think you should eat.-He replied after a long pause, deciding to ignore Luffy's last comment.- I'll be right back, let me go get your lunch.

Trafalgar left the room and sighed heavily.
'Is it just me... or is he actually provoking me..? What was that comment about? And the cute pout...'

He walked back in the room to give Luffy his lunch and as he handed it to him, the teen gently placed his hands over Law's, making him feel a shiver down his body.

-Thanks Torao.- he smiled.- Né, I was thinking that maybe you could come by in your lunch time. I could keep you company.

Law took some time to react, his heart was beating faster and he was just so close to Luffy. His warm hand gently pulled away, which made Trafalgar get out of his transe and take a step back.

-S-Sure, I'll come by.
-Okay.- Luffy smiled brightly.- See you soon.-he winked.
-See ya. -Law left the room quietly.

'What is going on with me? I didn't use to feel this awkward around him before, when I was full time with him. Why do I feel weird now? Is it because I realised I have a small crush? This is ridiculous, I need to stay professional.'

As Trafalgar entered the other room, his thoughts went away and he simply focused on doing his job.
After four hectic hours, Law finally found some time for a break. He was heading towards the canteen when he remember about Luffy, and so he rushed to room 12.
He walked inside, but the patient was asleep. He sighed and quietly sat next to him, eating in silence. Luffy rolled around mumbling in his sleep and Law smiled at the cute view.
'At least you've recovered fast enough. I'm gonna miss having you around, Monkey D. Luffy.'

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