Karaoke Night

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Friday finally came.
I don't know why but that conversation with Shashi and Penguin really got me thinking. Should I ask Luffy to be my boyfriend? Isn't it too soon? Afff... I was so scared of his reaction after what I said on the night of our first date...
"Luffy... Is it okay... For me to fall in love with you...?"
AH! Idiot! Why would you say that?!?! I was so caught up in the moment that... I said the worst possible thing... I'm such an idiot!

Since then I haven't brought it up to Luffy, of course, and he didn't say anything about it either, so I think we're good. I mean, we're more than good. Things are going so well I don't want to ruin it. I don't want to put any unnecessary pressure, right? We're casual, just getting to know each other, we'll see where it goes.

Just as I was thinking about him, I decided to text him.

"Hey Luffy, how's it going?
What time should we meet  for the Karaoke thing? If you want I can meet you at yours.
Hope you have a nice day :)"

I paused looking at my phone.
Is the smiley face too much? Ahh, just send it.

I went on with my work day and only realised Luffy had replied during my lunch break.

"Hey Torao! I'm good, wby? Can't wait to see you later 😉"

"I'm going to watch a game with Bartolomeu before the Karaoke so it's better for us to meet directly there."

"Give me a second, I'll ask Brook for the address and I'll send it to you. It starts at 7pm. "

"I'm so excited! Thank you for coming 😁😁"

I read through his texts and paused, then my eyes jumped back to the second text.
He's going to watch a match, with Bartolomeu? That weird guy that kept throwing complements at Luffy on the basketball tournament night...? That guy?! Why?! Are they going alone? Why do I care? Okay. Calm down. I'm sure it's nothing, Luffy wouldn't... He wouldn't, right? Or would he? If he said yes maybe he's interested in that guy. No. C'mon, that guy? They're probably going as friends, Luffy is a nice guy and said yes because that's who he is, a good friend, kind, sweet, honest... Where was I going with this? Right. It's totally normal. It's not like it's a date. But even if it was... It's not like he's my boyfriend, so that shouldn't be any of my concern. Luffy is free to do whatever he wants with whoever... Wait. No. That doesn't sound—.


Ah shit, the alarm. I need to get back to work.


Luffy POV

I was a bit nervous to watch this match with Bartolomeu, but only because of what my friends said yesterday. They really screwed me up! Now I can't stop thinking about how wrong this is... I should have said no. If I had done so, I would meet with Law sooner. Argh, but what's done is done, and I just have to face it now. Besides, it might not be that bad, Bartolomeu is a really nice guy and we're just watching a football match, it's clearly NOT a date.

-Oiii Luffy-senpai!!

I turned around and saw Bartolomeu waving at me. We met outside the stadium and then walked inside together.

-Hey Barty! So, you excited about the game?- I asked with a smile.
-Yes! What about you, senpai?- he smiled back.
-Of course, I love football, even though I'm not that good at it, shishishi.
-Ohhh, don't say that! Luffy-senpai, you're amazing at everything.
-That's not true. For example, I can't swim.- I admitted scratching the back of my head.
-Ehh? Really? I doubt that. -Bartolomeu looked at me suspiciously.
-It's true! I suck at swimming.
-Luffy-senpai, I'm sure that's not true! Even if you're not great at it, that doesn't mean you suck.

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