Day Out

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It was Luffy's last night at the hospital and he still hadn't asked Law out. He was too scared he'd be rejected and things would become too awkward. He opted to wait and enjoy the last time he had with Trafalgar at the hospital. The past three days Law had been visiting him a lot more often. He spent all his meals and breaks in room 12, talking to the teen.
That evening, Trafalgar decided to stay after his shift, so he could see Luffy one last time. He wasn't keen on goodbyes and wasn't planning on saying goodbye either.

He walked in the room and Luffy showed him a cheerful smile.

-Hey, Torao~! How are you?
-Good.- Law replied.- Just came by to say hi.
-Né, do you have any book you want to read to me?-Luffy asked with a bright smile.
-Not really. I just have a small poetry book but I'm sure you're not interested in that.
-Eh?! Why not? Of course I'm interested.
-Really? -Law frowned.

'I never thought he'd be into poetry.'

-Yeah, poetry is really nice.- Luffy insisted, even though he had never read any poetry himself.
-Alright then.- Law grabbed the book.
-Come, sit here.- Luffy patted the bed next to him.

'Eh? He wants me to sit on his bed?'

Law couldn't understand his gesture. He walked towards the bed and Luffy signed again for Law to to sit next to him, so Trafalgar did. He sat next to the younger man and as their eyes met, Law felt his heart beating faster.
He opened the small book and read out loud the first poem.

"I heard of a man
Who says words so beautifully
That if only speaks their name
Women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb beside your body
While silence blossoms like tumours on our lips
It is because I hear a man climb the stairs
And clear his throat outside our door."

Law paused and as he finished, he looked at Luffy. The teen was completely mesmerised by what he just heard. Even though he couldn't make sense of all of it, that poem was music to his hears. He couldn't get enough of Law's calm, quietly expressive tone. He got closer to his nurse and very slowly, leaned over his back.

-Please keep reading.

Luffy smiled at him and Law looked him in his eyes.

'He's never been this close to me before...'

-Did you like the poem?
-Yes! Just read some more please.- Luffy leaned his head over Law's shoulder.

Trafalgar shyly looked away and re-started reading, feeling his body warming up.
Luffy was so close he could feel him breathing on his neck. He tried to focus on the book as he read it, but his mind was somewhere else. His mind was racing and his body was consumed by the feeling of Luffy's warmth against him.
Despite all of this, Law remained calm and managed to shake off these racing thoughts. He simply focused on the poems he was reading, and he kept reading for a while. When he looked back, Luffy was asleep on his shoulder.

 When he looked back, Luffy was asleep on his shoulder

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