Your book

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A week had passed since Law talked to Kidd and fortunately, it seemed to have worked. Eustass didn't call him or text him again. On the meantime, Law had been texting Luffy every day, and the teen couldn't be happier.
Luffy had gone back to his flat two days ago, which meant he had also re-started lessons and trainings as usual. Even though he had been texting Law regularly, he hadn't asked him out yet. But he knew the perfect way to do it smoothly. He had talked it through with Ace and he concluded the best way to invite Law out would be to give him back his book. That way it would never be awkward because it was a legitimate reason for them to meet, Luffy had to give him back the Murakami book.

That evening, Luffy finally finished "Norwegian Wood", and during the whole time he was reading, he was also texting with Law, commenting on the story. Trafalgar replied quickly to every message.

"Ohhhh.... I finished. I'm kinda happy but sad at the same time. This story made me cry 😭"

"I feel you, but I quite like the ending. It's hiding in place sight. The first paragraph of the book: a lonely grown-up man outliving and reliving the tragic loss of his friends."

"Wow, hadn't thought about that 🤔
Very insightful, but still quite a tragic story. Next time maybe I should read something with a happy ending 😂😂😂"

"Sure. I'll  find you a happy book to read."

"Thanks Torao! I would love that 😁"

Luffy paused looking at his phone.
(Should I do it now..?)

"So, I was thinking, when do you want to meet up so I can give you back the book?"

He took a deep breath before sending the message.

"My schedule is a bit chaotic this week. Can you do next Sunday?"

Luffy's heartbeat increased as he read the reply.
(It's happening! It's a date!)

"Yes! That's completely fine 😁"


Law placed his phone down and looked up at the ceiling.
'It's gonna be nice to see him again.'


That week went by extremely slowly.
Even though Luffy was busy with trainings and Law was busy working, those days seemed to have more than 24 hours. They would occasionally text and they also added each other on social media. Luffy would often post stories with his friends and family. Law, on the other hand, was a quiet follower. He didn't have many posts since he wasn't that keen on social media.
Nevertheless, Luffy's posts always caught Trafalgar's attention. The more he looked at the teen's photos the more curious he was about him.

Law scrolled down on Luffy's instagram profile checking his older posts, and some of them caught his eye.
'Is he a model or something..?'


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Yours Forever (LawLu)Where stories live. Discover now