Double date

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Luffy POV

I woke up with my phone buzzing loudly on the bedside table. Struggling to open my eyes, I managed to reach out for the phone and picked up the call.

-Hello? -I spoke in a low whisper, I didn't want wake up Torao.- Who's this?
-It's your brother, idiot.- Ace spoke loudly on the other side of the line.
-Shh... don't shout. I just woke up.- I sat up and rubbed my eyes, slowly opening them.

Torao was sleeping quietly next to me, with the cutest expression, I just wanted to fill his face with kisses.

-Oi, Luffy, you there? I'm talking to you.- Ace's voice made me snap out of my trance.

Damn, I was just looking at him and I completely blanked out.

-What do you want, Ace? -I spoke lowly.
-Me and Marco are going out for dinner tonight and I thought it would be fun if you and Law joined us.
-Like a double date?
-Yeah, what do you say?
-Maybe. I have to check with him.
-Ohhh c'mon Luffy, I need to change the reservation to four people and I need to do that now. Just say yes.
-That's not a yes.
-Ace, you—
-Can't you just accept the freaking invitation?!
-Argh! Fine, alright!
-Cool, I'll text you the address. See you guys at 7pm.

He hung up.
What the fuck was that all about?

-Morning. - Torao looked up at me with sleepy eyes and a tender smile.
-O-Oh Torao, I'm so sorry. Did I wake you up?
-That's okay.- he crawled up to my chest and hugged me, closing his eyes.

I hugged him back and stroke his hair softly, enjoying the warmth of his body against mine. It is the most therapeutic feeling.

-So, who called?- Torao asked, his face still buried on my chest.
-My brother.
-Which one?
-Ace. He invited us out for dinner with him and Marco.
-Oh, okay.
-Is that alright? -I grabbed his face gently, pulling his chin upwards so our eyes could meet.
-Of course. -He smiled and kissed me smoothly.

I didn't hesitate to kiss back and held him close in my arms. Law slowly hovered me as we kissed and I instinctively spread my legs and wrapped them around his waist, pulling his body closer to mine. As I did this, Law's tongue caressed my lips and I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to slide in.
As our tongues met and swirled around one another, I began running my hands on Torao's back, starting from his neck, down to his coccyx.
As my hands went lower, he arched his back and let out a soft pant against my lips. He then pulled back and looked at me lustfully.

-I know a great way to start the day, if you're interested.- he smirked and I chuckled.
-I'm all yours, baby~. - Oh my God, I did it. I called him baby too! .- Ah...

Law mouthed my neck violently and proceeded to pull my boxers out. I shivered under his touch but held closely onto him. He drives me crazy, I want him to touch me more~


-Luffy! C'mon we're gonna be late. - Torao called out from the other side of the bathroom door.
-It's okay. Ace knows his brother well. He probably told you guys an earlier time already cause he knows Luffy's always late.- Zoro said.
-Hey!- I shouted. -That's bullshit!

We ended up going to the student halls so I could change into some better clothes before dinner. Turns out the place we are going is quite posh.
Torao came with me so that we could take an Uber to the restaurant together. But now I feel so bad for making him wait. I just need to finishing fixing my hair. Arghhh why is my hair so freaking messy!?

-Luffy, Ace is calling you.- Zoro said.
-Can you pick up?- I finally left the bathroom.- Tell him we're on our way.
-I can't tell him that, if I speak to him he'll know you're still at home.
-Fuck, you're right. Give me that!

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