Love confession

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⚠️🔞Graphic content warning

Luffy POV

-Where is everyone?- I asked Bartolomeu as we walked outside.
-Hum... I don't know. Maybe they went back inside. - he said.- Anyway, let's wait here.

We walked to the end of the smoking area and I leaned my back against the wall sighing heavily.

-Luffy-senpai.- Bartolomeu spoke, taking a step closer towards me.- There's something I need to tell you.

I turned to him confused.

-What is it? -I asked looking him in the eyes.
-Look... I know that you have a "thing" with the doctor guy but senpai... You should be with someone your age, someone that gets you, that knows you, someone that shares the same interests as you.

I gulped and froze.
I don't like this. I don't like this at all! Where is this conversation going?! Why is he saying this?!

-I know you're too good for me, I know I don't deserve you but... Luffy-senpai, I love you! I have loved you since the moment I met you and I want to be with you. I will make you so happy, please, just give me a chance.- he pressed his body against mine and looked me in the eyes desperately.
-B-Barty...- I looked to the side, I couldn't face his needy gaze.- Y-You're a great guy... but I'm not interested, I'm sorry... Besides, I'm with someone else now and you deserve someone that loves you, and that person... that person isn't me. I'm sorry. We're friends and that's all.
-I get it.- Bartolomeu replied almost immediately.

Eh?! Really? Wow, that went well. What do you know? Maybe drunk Luffy handles awkward conversation better than sober Luffy. Man, drunk Luffy rocks!

-I'm really glad you understand.- I smiled.- This could be really awkw—
-Luffy-senpai.- he interrupted.- I know you don't feel the same way but... Can you please just let me do this... just this once...

Before I could react, his lips were pressing against mine.

W-What!? H-He's kissing me..? HE'S KISSING ME! WHAT THE FUCK?!

I was about to push him away when he fell down to the floor. I looked up and Law stood there, looking down at Bartolomeu.

-T-Torao...- I stuttered in shock at everything that was happening.

Law's eyes didn't budge though. He stared down at Bartolomeu with anger in his gaze, an expression I'd never seen before and for a second there, it was scary for me, this side of Torao...

-What the fuck are you doing?!- Bartolomeu broke the silence.- You just punched me!
-What the fuck do YOU think you're doing?! -Law replied furiously.- How dare you kiss my boyfriend?! You do that again and I'll knock the fuck out of you!

My heart skipped a beat.
Boyfriend..? He never said that before...

-Boyfriend? Since when? -Bartolomeu got up and faced him. - Maybe he's your boyfriend but only in your head.
-What the fuck did you just say?!- Law pushed Bartolomeu.
-You fucking heard me!- Bartolomeu pushed him back.
-H-Hey! Guys! C'mon, stop it.- I shouted and and got in the middle of them facing Torao.

He finally turned his gaze to me but his eyes didn't reflect anger anymore, now he showed concerned, he looked at me so vulnerably I was once again taken aback.

-Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?- he asked anxiously.
-I'm fine, look this is just a misunderstanding. He—
-Oi, you three!- A voice called out from behind us.-Out of the club, now!
-Shit...- Bartolomeu mumbled.

We turned around and saw the security guy making his way over to us. We were escorted out of the club and I texted Zoro saying we were leaving, I didn't want to explain the whole situation to him.

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