Basketball Match

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Friday had finally arrived and Law wasn't sure if he should go to the match or not. He spent the past day and half attentively checking Luffy's posts and stories, and figured this tournament was a big event. Lost of people would be there, not only from his University but also from other London colleges.
Law wasn't keen on big events. He liked sports but he had never watched a match live before. In addition, the fact that Luffy's brothers and friends would be there made him feel slightly uncomfortable.
At the same time, he just wanted to see Luffy, and he was also curious to watch him play. He had already seen some videos of him playing on the teen's Facebook page, but that only made him want to go to the match even more. There was something about this teen... But Law was holding back. He didn't know what this feeling, this curiosity was, and therefore he didn't know what to do.

5pm, Law finished his shift.
He was about to take a bus to home when he got a text from Luffy.

"Hey Torao, really hope you can make it to the game 🤞"

-Shit...- Law mumbled as he read through it.
-Are you getting in or not?- the bus driver asked him, as Law stood at the entrance of the vehicle.
-No.- Trafalgar turned around and walked away.

'I can't believe this, but screw it. I'm going.'
He texted Luffy back.

"Hey Luffy, can you send me the address?
I'm heading there now."


Law arrived and was surprised to see Luffy outside, already dressed in his red basketball uniform.

-Hey! Torao! I'm so glad you made it.- Luffy walked towards him and greeted Law with a hug.

Trafalgar was a bit confused at first but he didn't have much time to react as Luffy quickly pulled back.

-Here's your ticket. -Luffy gave it to him.
-Thanks. So, how are you? Feeling nervous?- Law asked.
-Nervous? More like excited. We're definitely gonna win.- Luffy smiled confidently and Law chuckled lowly.
-I see. Well, good luck anyways.
-Thanks Torao, I really need to get going now but I'll see you inside.-Luffy winked and rushed back inside the building.

Law sighed heavily. His heartbeat had increased so much due to that interaction with Luffy.
'What is going on with me..? He's the one playing in a tournament and I'm the one feeling nervous...'

Soon enough, the doors opened and Trafalgar followed the queue that formed outside.

-Oiii! Law!!

He turned around confused. Law was sure he didn't know anyone there, how come someone was calling his name?
He then noticed a group of 3 people approaching him and was surprise to recognise all of them.

(Ace) -Good to see you again!
(Marco) -Hi Trafalgar, how have you been?
(Sabo) -Yoo, Law, really nice of you to come.
-H-Hey..- Trafalgar shyly replied.
(Sabo) -So Law, you a fan of basketball?

Law shrugged.

-Maybe just a fan of Luffy.-Ace commented and winked.

Trafalgar felt his cheeks burning and looked away.

-Ace c'mon.- Marco spoke. -Sorry about that Trafalgar, my boyfriend can be very inconvenient sometimes.
-Ehh?!- Ace retaliated.- What do you mean by that? It was just a joke.
-I think Marco meant it's an inconvenient joke.- Sabo explained.
-It's okay.-Law spoke up looking at Ace.-Maybe I am a fan of Luffy's.
-Ahaha! See? -Ace laughed.- He got the joke!
-Alright, let's go inside, we need to find good seats.- Sabo said and lead the way in.

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