First date

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When Luffy woke up the next morning, Trafalgar wasn't there anymore.
The teen grunted lowly as he sat up, his head feeling heavy. He looked over to the bedside table where he had his phone and saw a small piece of paper on top of it. He picked it up and read:

"Left breakfast and hangover medication on the kitchen table. There's also a towel for you behind the bathroom door in case you want to shower.
I'm at work until 5pm but make yourself at home :)"

-Ah... he even drew the smiley face..- Luffy's heart tightened as he read the message.

He laid back down and took a long breath. He couldn't quite grasp the events from last night. 
Before he could even think of anything else, his phone started buzzing. He picked it up and saw several missed calls and texts from Zoro.
(Ahh.. right... This fucker...)
Luffy called his roommate, who picked up in less than a second.

-Luffy! Where the hell are you?!
-Oi, lower your voice okay? Just woke up.
-Woke up where? I tried to call, I was so fucking worried!
-Worried about what?
-You disappeared last night! You know after you caught me and Sanji...
-YES! Zoro! You and Sanji?! When were you planing on telling me this?! How long has this been going on? Are you two a thing?
-O-Oi! You're the one shouting now! Didn't you just wake up?
-Just answer the question!
-W-What? Which one? You still haven't answered my question! Where the fuck are you?

Luffy paused before he replied.

-I'm at Torao's house.

Zoro bursted out laughing on the other side of the line.

-I thought you were kidnapped or sleeping on the streets and turns out you were getting laid.-Roronoa mocked.
-H-Hey! I wasn't getting laid! You were the one getting laid! Don't turn this on me Zoro! I saw Sanji fucking you last night and I deserve a good explanation!
-Alright alright... I'll answer any questions you have, but you have to promise NOT to tell anyone about it.
-Ah... I already told Torao...
-That's fine, but you can't tell anyone else.
-Not even Ace?
-NO! Don't tell Ace! Nor anyone!
-Okay fine, just tell me: when did it happen, how did it happen, and what exactly does  "it" mean.
-It happened one month and a half ago. You were in the hospital. We all went out clubbing one night and Sanji got really really fucked. I was kinda scared for him going home alone that drunk, so I invited him to sleep over at the dorms. He agreed, but when we got there... Things kinda just happened and we ended up having sex.
-WHAT?! What do you mean "kinda just happened"?!
-Ahh! C'mon Luffy, you know what I mean. You know when you're there alone with this person that you feel an insane attraction to—
-You need to stop fucking shouting!
-Sorry, wait hold on Zoro. Since when do you have "an insane attraction" for Sanji?!
-Since I fucking met that bastard!
-E-Eh? You just called him a bastard.
-Yeah, so what?
-N-Nothing I guess...
-Luffy it just happened. I didn't know he was bisexual, and according to him he didn't know it either until he met me. We are not a thing, not dating, we just have occasional sex. So please don't tell anyone cause this isn't anything serious.

Luffy was speechless.

-You there..? Luffy?
-Zoro... this is crazy! I'm so happy for you two!
-What do you mean? There's nothing to be happy about.
-Of course there is! You're fuck buddies, that's cool!
I do remember thinking your teamwork was way better when I returned from the hospital, but I never thought—
-Luffy just stop it okay? Drop it. Let's not talk about it anymore.
-Eh?? What?? Why?
-I need to go now.
-We are definitely talking about it when I get back home.
-Sure, I'll talk to you later. Bye.

As the teen hung up the phone he finally looked at the time.
(Holy shit, it's 3:45pm. How did I sleep that much..?)
He got up and went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and getting dressed. He then went to the kitchen and saw a plate with pancakes sitting on the table, next to a glass of water and a box of painkillers.
Luffy couldn't help but smile, thinking how caring Law was. He sat down at the table watching some videos as he ate. After that he washed his plate and was getting ready to leave when he heard the front door opening.

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