At the hospital

505 23 7

Luffy POV

-Luffy, stand back!- Torao shouted aggressively and a cold shiver ran down my spine.

I did as he said and ran down the stairs, reaching out for my phone. He's so right, there's no reason for me to fight, I just need to call the police as fast as I can, Torao is gonna be okay. Everything will be okay.

My heart was racing and I couldn't help but stutter in panic as I spoke the the operator. I had an urge to go help Law but the operator told me to not get involved and to wait for the policeman because they were on their way.
That 10 minute wait was the most horrifying experience of my life. I stayed on the phone with the operator since she was trying to calm me down but all I could hear where the screams and groans of pain, the crazy guy was shouting nonsense all the way through, I couldn't tell what he was saying. I was ready to run and help Law, I just needed to hear him ask for help, I just needed him to shout my name and I would have gone for him, even if the operator told me not to.
Thankfully, the police arrived and they acted quickly, two of them barged upstairs and arrested Kidd, I followed after the third officer.
As soon as I laid my eyes on Law my heart stopped. He was covered in blood, his hands, his clothes, his face.... I ran towards him and he collapsed on me.

-We have an ambulance waiting for him downstairs.- the officer said and helped me carry Law down the stairs.

My eyes started tearing up as I took a closer look at his wounds.

-Torao... Torao, wake up. You're gonna be okay, we're taking you to the hospital. Can you hear me? Torao...

His eyes were spasming as if he's slowly drifting of consciousness. I felt pure dread, the thought of loosing him stormed in my head and my body started to shake uncontrollably.
As soon as we got outside, the paramedics took him to the ambulance and allowed me to go with them to the hospital. I called Ace on the way since I didn't know what else to do, who else to call.

We arrived and Law was taken into surgery room. I was left outside waiting for Ace and drowning in my tears. I couldn't believe what had happened. Law's ex-boyfriend just attacked him, almost killed him! What if Law doesn't recover from this? What if he goes into a coma?! I did the wrong thing not helping him! Shit! He almost died because of me! I should have helped him... Why did I do nothing...? If I had helped him we could have kicked his ass?! Why didn't I do anything when all I wanted to do was punch that freak!
I was sobbing at this point, from both panic and frustration, but then I get a call from Ace.

-Hey Luffy, I'm here? Where you at?
-O-Outside the m-main entrance..- I muttered.
-I'll be there in 5 seconds.- Ace hung up and just like he said, in 5 seconds he was there and before I could say anything, he just gave me a tight hug.

I broke in tears again, Ace hugged me tighter.
I explained the best I could what had happened, all the time Ace held me close.

-It's gonna be okay. He's gonna be fine Luffy.- he spoke softly.
-I-It's all my fault...- I sobbed.- I didn't help him.... I ran away...
-Luffy it's not your fault, you did the right thing calling the police.
-You didn't see him, Ace!- I cried out.- His injuries... If I was there...
-Luffy stop it, how is this gonna help?! You have to believe you did the right thing. Law's in there with doctors and I'm sure he's gonna be fine. Stop being so harsh on yourself. It's hard to hear it but this has nothing to do with you, you couldn't have done anything differently.

I paused crying for a second, whipped my tears and took some deep breaths to help myself calm down.
Is Ace right...? I could have done something differently, I could have helped Law instead of calling the police, I could have—

-Luffy.- Ace's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.- Maybe it's better if I take you home, or you can sleep at mine and I'll drive you to the hospital first thing in the morning.

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