Week 1

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The next morning, Trafalgar arrived early, even though he had barely slept.
He got home late from the previous shift and couldn't really sleep, haunted by the images of that man, laying on the surgeon's table, scarcely alive.

-Good morning Law. - the receptionist greeted him. - You've been assigned a new patient. Room 12, on your left, here's his info.

She handed him a paperboard.

-Thanks. - Law responded, heading to the indicated room.

'Monkey D. Luffy.'

He read through the patient's info.

'Motorcycle accident.
Current state: coma.'

Law paused on his tracks.
'It's him. The guy from yesterday's emergency room. He survived.'

He smiled and a warm feeling covered his chest.
'I did it. I saved his life.'

He followed to the room and entered, approaching the patient that slept quietly on the bed. Both his arms, his neck and his right leg had casts for the broken bones, his chest was heavily covered in bandages as well as his head. Law observed him quietly. This man looked relatively young, probably a teenager, with dark hair and pale skin.
'He seems to be sleeping so peacefully, even though he just went through so much... I'm just glad he's alive, I'll make sure he recovers well.'

He looked back at the paperboard.

Student from the Academy of Sports.
No medical record.'

*knock knock*

-Come in.- Law spoke.

Two gentlemen entered the room. One was tall, with short blonde hair and wore a suit. The other dressed more casually, with an orange jacket, white t-shirt, and jeans.

 The other dressed more casually, with an orange jacket, white t-shirt, and jeans

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-Hi, I'm Ace, Luffy's older brother. - the raven-haired man spoke first. - And this is my boyfriend Marco. Are you the doctor?
-Hi. - Trafalgar greeted them. - I'm the nurse, name is Trafalgar Law.
-How is he doing? - Ace asked as he walked over to the bed.
-He's stable now. -Law replied. - But he might stay in coma for a while.
-How long? -Marco asked.
-That only depends on him. But given his injuries... I would say minimum two weeks.
-Dammit, Luffy... This is so irresponsible! How could this happen? - Ace spoke to his partner.
-Well, I know someone who had a motorbike accident not that long ago...- Marco replied.
-That was different! It wasn't my fault, that car didn't know how to enter a freaking roundabout! Besides... it wasn't half as bad as this. - Ace retaliated.
-We don't know how the accident happened, maybe it wasn't Luffy's fault. - Marco placed his arm over the other man's shoulder. - He's gonna be fine, Luffy's tough.
-Hum...- Ace embraced his lover.
-I need to go to work love. - Marco said. - Will you be okay?
-Yeah, I texted Sabo and he's on his way here. Don't worry, he'll give me a ride home after. - Ace assured.
-Okay, I love you. - Marco pecked his lips.
-Love you more~

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