Sleeping together

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⚠️🔞Graphic content warning

Luffy and Law walked to the bus stop in silence. The night was cold but bright and loud.
They got on a bus to Luffy's house and sat down on the upper deck. Law sat next to the window and Luffy sat next to him putting his head down and closing his eyes.

-You okay?- Law asked.
-Hum... Just a bit dizzy.- Luffy mumbled lowly.
-You shouldn't put you head down.- Law gently held his head up and leaned towards him.

Luffy placed his head on Law's shoulder and looked at him.

-Thanks Torao...
-It's okay.- Law pecked the teen's forehead.

Luffy felt his cheeks burning and butterflies on his stomach. He closed his eyes once again, his head spinning like crazy.
He managed to survive the bus ride as they eventually reached their stop and walked out. Luffy held onto Law's arm during the entire walk. However, he was now starting to feel better, the fresh air was helping him sober up.

-I'm really sorry about tonight Torao... I drank too much.- Luffy said.
-I must admit, I was surprised with how much you drink for a small person.- Law joked.
-Eh? Small person? I'm not that small.
-Eh?? What do you mean sure?!

Law laughed.
He didn't understand why Luffy was apologising for being drunk. He was probably the funniest, most adorable drunk person he had ever seen.

-Okay okay, you're not a small person.
-Thank you! Oh, there it is! That's the Student halls!- Luffy pointed at the building in front.

Law walked him to the door.
Luffy really wanted to invite Law inside but he shared a room with Zoro, and he wasn't picking up his calls or replying to his texts.
He tried stalling Trafalgar for a bit, to see if his roommate would reply, but after 10 minutes he couldn't do it anymore.

-So, make sure to drink lots of water when you get home. You can also take an aspirin tomorrow if the hangover is very bad. -Law said.
-Sure... Do you work over the weekend?
-Tomorrow yes, but Sunday I'm free.
-Can we meet up Sunday then...?
-I'd love that. - Law smiled. - I'll text you tomorrow, make sure to get some rest.- he leaned closer to the boy.- Good night.
-Torao...- Luffy closed the distance between their bodies and rested his hands and law's shoulders.- C-Can I kiss you...?

Law let out a small chuckle before placing his lips over Luffy's. Their kiss was smooth and short. Luffy pulled back smiling and said:

-Good night.

As Law walked away, Luffy walked inside the building. He got to his bedroom door and despite having a sock on the knob, he was to drunk to notice. He opened the door and the view in front of him made his chin drop to the floor.
Zoro was naked, on all fours, and Sanji stood behind him completely naked as well. He wasn't as much behind as he was more on top, inside... all over Roronoa. They both looked at Luffy as he opened the door and the teen yelled:


Before they could say anything, Luffy ran out slamming the door behind him. He stormed out of the building and called Law.

-Luffy? You okay?- Law picked up quickly.
-Torao!! Oh my god! You are NOT gonna believe what just happened!!- Luffy screamed over the phone.
-What happened? Are you okay??
-I just walked in on Zoro and Sanji having sex!!! Zoro!! And Sanji!! What the hell?! I knew Zoro was gay but Sanji?! Sanji! Oh my god! Sanji was literally fucking Zoro!! Oh my freaking God!!! What did I just witness?! And Zoro was on all fours... God! Why did it have to be doggie style?!?!
-W-Wait! L-Luffy calm down. Please don't give me any details, I don't want to know! Where are you now?
-I'm outside of course! Do you think I was gonna stand there and watch?! Holy fuck! Zoro and Sanji... I can't believe this. How did I never see this coming? They were always fighting and teasing each other... Ahh! Maybe that was a sign of sexual tension! That would make more sense.
-Maybe... It's weird, I always thought Sanji was straight from the way he stares at women's breasts.
-Yeah, Sanji's a perv. But he's gay, or bisexual, now I don't know. I'm so confused. And what do I do about it? Should I just go back there and kick Sanji out? Argh, I just wanted to sleep. Maybe I should knock on someone else's door and see if I can crash for the night.
-What if you walk on other people having sex again?
-Eh?! Torao, why would you say that?! What are the odds of that happening?!
-It was a joke.

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