Birthday sex

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We went inside the restaurant and Luffy's friends greeted me casually. It's like nothing happened. I wonder if they all know about our fight... Maybe it's just Nami... I hope so.

Speaking of the devil... As I'm thinking this, Nami approaches me.

-Glad you could make it, Law.- she hugged me but I didn't react.

I was stunned.
Why is she being nice now?

I awkwardly walk over to Ace and sit between him and Zoro, Luffy's sitting in front of me.

(Ace) -How's it going Law? Have you gone back to work?

Shit, he's Luffy brother, does he know about the fight? Luffy tells him everything, he probably told him about our fight... and about Kidd... and about my past... What if Ace thinks I'm a bad influence on his brother?

(Ace) -Law... You alright?
-Ahh.. Y-Yes, all good... And ahh, yeah I'm back at the hospital, working as usual.
-Great, glad to hear that. -he smiled and I forced a smile back.

Pull yourself together Law. You're being totally paranoid. You need to let it go. Everything is fine. Even if they know, everyone is acting normal, you need to do the same. Act normal. Just relax and—

-Torao!- Luffy pulled me out of my thoughts.- Wanna go get some food with me?

I nodded and got up.
Thankfully my amazing boyfriend saved me from myself... Argh... What is wrong with me? Luffy's not mad at me, things are going fine. Then why do I feel so nervous...?


I survived the dinner party. It wasn't so bad after all. 
Luffy's friends are so loud and energetic that no one's attention is ever on me. Besides the small talk with Zoro and Ace, I didn't really interact with anyone else. As we finished eating, Sanji revealed a cake he'd baked for Luffy and everyone sang happy birthday cheerfully. Luffy blew out the candles and we shared the delicious cake between everyone. It was lame but Luffy was so happy. Just seeing him happy makes me happy.

After dinner, I invited him back to my apartment and was actually surprised when he said yes. His friends had plans to go drinking at this local pub but Luffy said he'd rather come with me, and since it's his birthday, none of his crew complained. Except for Nami, who gave me a death look, but I was already expecting that from her.
Anyway, I was really happy when he said yes. I never expected him to ditch his friends for me. They're all super close, one could say they're inseparable. So when Luffy choose me over them I couldn't help but to smile like a fool.

The bus ride back to my flat was just like old times.
We talked and laughed and it was amazing.
It made me realise how stupid I was for avoiding him, for pushing him away. I should have been honest with him from the beginning. From now on, I won't hide anything from him, I won't push him away. I just want to be happy with him.
Wake up to his smile everyday and go to bed with his kisses every night. That's the dream...


We got to my flat and as I turn to close the door, I feel Luffy's warm body closing in on me.
I turn around, a smile on my lips as my eyes meet his and he stretches his neck so our lips can kiss.
With one hand I reach for his cheek whilst the other tugs onto the back of his hair. He licks my lips and I open them craving for what's to come. His tongue takes over my mouth and I caress it against my own. My hand, that rested on his smooth cheek, gradually moves down to his neck, his chest, his waist, his hips, and then slides across to find his bottom.
I squeeze his butt cheek gently and a soft pant escapes Luffy's lips.
Music to me ears...
Literal goosebumps run through my body as I kiss him more and more, both my hands now squeezing his ass just so I can hear his lewd voice.

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