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[2 months later]


Dreading this... But the day is finally here. Graduation day. The only thing that makes this day tolerable is knowing that in a week from today, me and Luffy are going to Paris. Just one more week. Ahhh... But I really can't be bothered to go to this ceremony... Unfortunately, I have to, otherwise I won't graduate. Tsk, what a nuisance...

I got to the ceremony hall at 8am to register and get my graduation gown. All pointless traditions but whatever.
At 9am, Luffy and Zoro arrived.
I had two guest tickets and I gave both to Luffy, since I had no one else to give the extra ticket to. He invited Zoro and apparently he was eager to come since him and professor Mihawk are still "fuck buddies" to quote Luffy, and to quote Zoro "Mihawk will look smoking hot in a ceremonial gown".
I now regret allowing Luffy to tell me all the dirty details. I will never be able to look at professor Mihawk the same way... I just hope he doesn't realise that my boyfriend is Zoro's best friend. That would be so cringe...
Shit. Oh, shit. But he is gonna figure it out! Cause Zoro is here... As my guest...
Dammit, I did not think this through.

-Hey guys.- I greeted them.
-Hi Luffy! Zoro!- Shachi greeted them cheerfully.- Don't we look great?- he wrapped his arm around my shoulders but I quickly pushed him away.
-We look ridiculous...- I groaned.
-No you don't. You guys look awesome!- Luffy said with a smile.- Don't you think so, Zoro? Don't they look.- he paused.- Smoking hot?- he smirked.
-Shut up Luffy. I'm gonna go for a stroll. See you guys.
-Right, don't get lost!- Luffy shouted and I chuckled.
-So... Is it true Zoro and professor Mihawk...?- Shachi whispered.
-Ahh!- Luffy gasped loudly, startling us both.- Torao! You told him?! I told you not to say anything to anyone! Does Penguin know too??
-Ahhh!- Shachi gasped even louder.- So it IS TRUE!
-Quiet! Both of you.- I intervened.- I didn't tell anyone. Shachi figured it out on his own.
-It's true Luffy, I didn't even know Law knew about it. He didn't say anything but, there have been rumours... People have been saying that professor Mihawk is dating a 20 year old. Apparently a group of students saw them together a couple of weeks back. I didn't believe it at first but they said they saw our teacher with a young green haired man, and that's when it all clicked in my head. On the day of the pub crawl I saw Zoro leaving with a taller man...  At the time I was drunk and didn't recognise him. But after hearing the rumours... Everything added up. Besides, I don't know anyone with green hair besides Zoro so...
-Ahhh shit...- Luffy sighed.- Don't tell Zoro you know. He was already upset that I told Torao, if he finds out more people know he's gonna flip. Both him and Mihawk want to keep it a secret.
-Then maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring him to the ceremony...- I spoke lowly and Shachi chuckled.
-He wanted to come! I wasn't gonna say no to him.- Luffy explained.
-Do you wanna go get some coffee before the ceremony starts?- Shachi suggested.- There's a coffee shop nearby. I think Penguin's there with Jane and Lily.
-Sure, coffee sounds great. Let's go Torao?- Luffy gave me his hand and I sighed, holding it.

We walked to the coffee shop meeting with the others. We sat at their table and chatted for a while before heading back to the hall. And that's when Penguin suggested we take some photos together. I immediately said no but was peer pressured into doing so. Luffy took the photos and after reviewing them I felt super embarrassed. I looked like a zombie in every single photo, a dreadful expression on my face.

-Please don't post any of that.- I said and they laughed at me.
-What if you take a picture with Luffy?- Lily asked.
-Ahh! Yes!- Luffy cheered.- Let's do that.

I rolled my eyes.

-Do we really have to...?
-Yes! C'mon Torao.- Luffy held my hands and I sighed.
-Alright just one...

Luffy gave his phone to Penguin, who pointed the camera at us.

-Guys, look at each other instead of the camera.- Jane advised and we did as told.

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