The invitation

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Luffy POV

-Mhm~ Torao.- I opened my eyes and instantly smiled at the gorgeous golden pearls that gazed me.
-Morning sleeping beauty.- Torao said with a tender smile.
-No... not yet.- I buried my face on his chest.- No morning yet...

He chuckled and I hugged him tightly. His chuckles are so freaking adorable.

-C'mon Luffy, I gotta get to work and you have classes to attend. -he said and pecked my forehead.
-Five more minutes...- I looked up at him pouting, knowing he couldn't say no to that.
-Ahh...- he sighed.-  Just five minutes.

Law placed his lips onto mine and those five minutes felt like five seconds. Those five seconds... before I had to get up and go on with my day, my week.

It's been two weeks since me and Torao first slept together. We've been on a couple of dates since then but we barely have time to meet up during the week. Thus, I've spent the last two of weekends at his place, to make up for the days I can't see him.
Every weekend is magical in its on way. Torao is super sweet and caring. He spoils me in every possible way. He cooks for me, reads for me, laughs with me, kisses me and touches me... Oh! The way he touches me is insanely good! Before being with him, I didn't know sex could feel this amazing! He's so good at it and makes me feel so good~.
Honestly, this has become quite an addicting habit, and I never considered myself a sex addict or anything like that. I just can't get enough of him, Law's smell, his touch, his low hoarse voice, his delicious lips... Ah! Torao! I hate that the weekend is over and I have to leave. I'm gonna miss him so much...

-Alright, I guess I'll see you Friday?- Law asked as we walked down the stairs of his apartment complex.
-Ahh, shit. Actually, Friday I can't. I'm going to this Karaoke thing with my friends. Oh, you should come!
-Karaoke?- he frowned.- Not really my thing.
-Ohhh c'mon! You could come and then if it's really boring we'll just leave early and go to yours.- I smirked, provoking a little bit.

Law looked away and I giggled as I saw a glimpse of his red cheeks.
You're so cute Torao~.

-Okay, I'll go.- he said and I smiled, pecking his cheek.
-Yeeey!!! I'll see you Friday then.- I winked.
-Yeah. - he pecked my lips gently. -I'll see you then.

We parted ways and my heart immediately tightened. Ahhh! I miss him already!! I'm gonna be thinking about you all week, Torao!!
Just hope Friday comes soon enough...

When I got to Uni, Sanji and Zoro were outside the main gate. Sanji was smoking and Zoro seemed to be keeping him company.

-Oi Luffy! -Sanji waved and I walked towards them.
-Hey guys, how's it going?- I smiled.
-Not bad. How was your romantic weekend?- Zoro asked with a teasing look.
-Absolutely perfect as always, shishishi.
How about yours?- I winked.

I'm fully aware that the past weekends I spent at Law's place, Sanji has been at the student accommodation with Zoro. They're actually really funny together, uniquely cute in their own way. But unfortunately they won't let me tell anyone about their fling, and instead all the little jokes and gossip that pass around the crew are about me and Law. Not that I care that much,  I don't pay attention to those things. I know soon enough they'll loose their interest or find something else to gossip about.
I'm just really happy the way things are going with Torao. We haven't really had "the talk" about our relationship and stuff but I like the way things are. There's still so much we don't know about each other. Even so... What I feel for him is something completely new. I've never felt this way towards any guy before. I just love everything about Torao, I love being around him, I just want to be with him all the time, get to know him more, maybe even fall for him. Or maybe I'm already falling...

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