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The next morning, Luffy woke up late. As he walked outside his room, he was surprised to find his brother in the living room watching TV.

-Morning Luffy.-Ace greeted him.
-Mornin bro.- Luffy replied walking to the kitchen and getting bowl of cereals.- Aren't you going to the studio today?-he asked as he walked back in the living room and sat next to him.

Ace was a professional dancer and he worked in a studio where he would give classes, workshops and sometimes even conduct his own projects as a choreographer.

-Nope. I'll be at home for the next couple of days to keep an eye on you.
-Eh?? I'm not a child anymore! Don't you have lessons to give?
-I've changed all classes to the end of the week. This way we can have some bro time.

Luffy rolled his eyes and filled his mouth with cereal.
(Ace is always so over protective. Is he seriously gonna force me to stay at home in bed when that's all I've been doing for the past month? I want to go back to training...)

-Né Luffy, I've something to show you.- Ace picked up his phone.- Yesterday evening I received a very interesting text. I only saw it this morning but I thought you might wanna see it.

Luffy frowned, sending a confused look to his brother. Ace handed him the phone and the younger took it in his hand suspiciously. His eyes fell over the text and his heart dropped to the floor as he read through it.

"Hello Ace, sorry to be bothering you this late.
Your brother gave me his phone number earlier today but I think it might have been a misunderstanding, since he lost his phone in the accident.
Would you please give him my cellphone number? Tell him to call if he needs anything or if he feels any sort of unusual pain.
Trafalgar Law."

Luffy couldn't react properly. He read that message 7 more times before he started shouting and cheering happily.

-AHH! OH MY GOD! HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER! JACKPOT! IT WORKED!! Wait... How does Torao have your number, Ace?
-Probably because I'm your emergency contact, so they have my number in your medical sheet.
-Ahhhh! I'm so thankful for that! This is amazing! This is better than amazing! I need to text him, or call him. I need to tell him I like him!

Ace laughed, seeing Luffy's excitement.

-Calm down little bro, you're not gonna call him and confess to him. That's reckless. Just text him if you really want.
-I will! Wait! I need to set up the new phone, I still haven't done that.

Luffy went to his room and grabbed his new phone. After doing all the admin stuff, he added all his friends and family contacts, and eventually he added Law. He texted him almost immediately.

"Hey Torao! It's Luffy, Ace just gave me your number. Sorry about yesterday, I completely forgot about my old phone 😅
Please save this number, it's my new one.
Hope you have a nice day at work 😁"

Luffy sighed as the message was sent.
(I can't believe he actually texted Ace to give me his number. This means something right? Maybe he is interested in me after all.)

The afternoon went by without a reply.
Nevertheless, Luffy got easily distracted watching series with Ace. They were eating popcorn talking about the plot and Luffy, as usual, was making stupid comments that Ace always laughed at.
By the time they finished, Marco arrived from work and helped Ace cooking supper. The three of them ate together, talking and enjoying the meal.

-So Luffy, did you get Law's number? -Marco smirked at the younger man and Ace winked at him.
-Yes I did, but he hasn't replied yet...- Luffy said and then filled his mouth with food.
-Well, he's probably busy at work.- Ace stated.
-Yeah, don't worry about it Luffy.

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