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Today's the first day of school.
Should I be excited or...
What's there to be excited about?
I rolled my eyes on my thoughts and started getting ready.

I was under the shower. Washing my hair.

I never had any friends before. From childhood I was trained to be alone.

I sighed..

Currently I live with my adopted family's elder son. His parents died in a car accident. I didn't know how to take care of him during those bad times of his as I'm diagnosed with Alexithymia, BPD and antisocial personality disorder.

My childhood memories always haunt me whenever I sleep. Yes, that's right I have problem sleeping as I'm afraid of those nightmares. I should be use to it by now but no.. they just feel so real and it makes me feel like it happened yesterday no matter how many years have past by it still feel too fresh.

As soon as I finished taking shower. I opened the door and move towards the sink to brush my teeth. Looking at myself.

My eyes held no warmth just  emptiness. I don't need useless emotions, not anymore.

I started grabbing my clothes and drying my long jet black hair which came till my hips. I don't like makeup.

I'm a natural beauty. The most perfect creation made by my mother.

She always made me feel as if I'm an object.

I shook my head to remove my thoughts.

I decided to wear a black wrapped up A-line pleated dress which had black buttons completing my look witj long delicate earrings

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I decided to wear a black wrapped up A-line pleated dress which had black buttons completing my look witj long delicate earrings. I wore platform shoes with knee length black thick stockings.

I straightened my hair and did a middle partition clipped on both sides to make a clean look.

I just applied a lipbalm and my favourite perfume from the brand Dior.

I looked perfect.

"Sara, you'll be late, come down for breakfast." That was my so called brother. He knows me way better than anyone. He always clears up mess. For him it's a mess but for me it's my fun.

I grabbed my bag with my phone and started to move down the stairs..

I saw him setting up the table. He heard my heels ..

"I made your favourite black coffee with no sugar, toast with some crisp bacon strips and omelette." As he went inside the kitchen.

I took my place and started to eat my breakfast quietly.

"How's it?" He asked as he sat in front of me with his coffee.

"Not bad" i chewed as I replied. He smiled and started sipping his coffee.

"Is my car in the garage?" I asked him as I look at him. He responded by nodding and hummed looking at his phone.

"Do inform me if you need my help and.." he looked at me and kept his phone aside.

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