Chapter -18

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Adrien's POV:–

I've noticed some changes in Sara's behavior lately. She gives off the vibe of wanting to ask me something, but she hasn't. Additionally, her eye color seems to fluctuate from her usual black to white with hints of shiny blue strips. It's intriguing—could she be in some kind of transition? I've also observed a few light, shiny blue highlights in her hair. A few days ago, she seemed frustrated with some strands, took scissors, and cut a few. Surprisingly, those cut hairs shone brightly in blue while on her, but once severed, they turned to ashes. What's more bothersome is that she's keeping all of this from me, her own brother. I'm growing weary of these hidden games.

I saw her eating her meals silently yet slowly most of the time playing with it  while looking at me opening her mouth to speak then shook her head denying to speak a word...

"Tell me already what you want to know" she was taken back in surprise as soon as I yelled in tiredness and curiosity

"I know that I'm adopted but do you know anything regarding my biological parents?" Huh? I didn't expected this..

"I don't know much but maybe we can get some information" I suggest and she hummed. She looked back at her meal nd started to play with it.. I pulled the chair and sat beside her.

"What's up?" I seriously asked her and she put the knife aside and looked at me and sighed..

"I had a vision where a woman held a baby in her arms gave to someone who had the voice little familiar like your dad yet.. " she stopped and frowned her eyes as if ...

"Yet" I urged her to continue..

"he looked a little older but similar to your dad" she herself was a little confused

"Can you describe his features?" She looked at me and nodded..

"Brown Tan skin tall guy with long dark brown hairs styled back,  his eyes were sharp golden brown with thick eyebrows with broad shoulders and muscular body.. not to forget his jaw was sharp and he was handsome, he worked for a queen.. he seemed quite loyal to her as if he was the most trusted man who was by her side... "  Wait.. hold on.. sharp golden brown eyes. is she talking about...him?

I need to avoid that question but she needs to know herself and about us sooner..

"I have a family album, we can check there if you want to" her eyees sparkled in excitement and happiness.

"Let's go then" I nodded and she was following behind me..

"What was the lady in your dream like?" I asked to her as we were walking up the staircase..

"I couldn't see her face as her face was blurry she was trying her best to protect her baby which was covered in a baby pink blanket.. she gave her baby to the man and told him to protect her treat her like your family and... Conceal the baby"
I turned my back to look at her as I was stunned.

"She said something about concealing the baby" I repeated and she nodded in confirmation..

"What's that suppose to mean?" I was frowning in confusion.. as we were walking towards my office.. she shrugged her shoulders not knowing anything about it

"Btw, brother " I hummed as we reached the door of my office

"I know you are a werewolf " and I stopped at the mid.. i gulped in nervousness.. closed my eyes and  took a deep breath..

"That's good" and I opened the door.

"Why you hide it from me?" As I was walking infront of her towards the bookshelves... While she sat on the chairs infront of my desk..

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