Chapter 12

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It's been more than a week now. While me being me... Bearing this all by myself.

Bearing wht?..

I was crying in pain, the pain was increasing inside my body,
Not bothering to share it with anyone, not bothering to let my screams out.. the pain was so hard for me to bear that...

"Ahh.." I immediately stuffed my fist inside my mouth, to not to let anyone hear my pain, tears were rolling down my eyes... My eyes were getting blurry...

Adrien was there with me during the daytime he even brought a new girl with him. I didn't like her vibe but my brother seems close to her so I said nothing about the odd feeling which I got from her aura....

My heart was aching as I clenched that area too tightly, nail digging inside my skin leaving marks and it's bleeding, it was hard for me to breathe properly, as if someone was choking me, squeezing and twisting my body.  Hot tears were rolling down my eyes..

Hot flashes were appearing in my mind my head was pounding so much, causing more and more pain..

My body was feeling weak, the pain was so much more painful than to those days to be compared with..

I was laying down on the cold ground, as my balcony's door was opened. The curtains were moving as the breeze.. making my body feel better as my body was sweating the heat was increasing inside me.

My back, stomach, heart and head was paining so much... As if someone was punching me, kicking me..  and now i was feeling someone stabbing me.. as I placed my hand on my legs I saw blood... What's going on with me..

During these nights i never felt this terrible but pain which was way too much for me to handle..

This might be my stalkers doing. I groaned in pain, tears were rolling down my cheeks making my vision blurry... Why do I doubt him? No I don't doubt him but I'm certain about it because I'm having these painful nights right after he gave me his  marking...

The pain was making it so hard to breathe that I was loosing my consciousness, it was fading.

Once this pain will ease off I'll again wake up to clean myself.. i can't let my brother find me in such state..

The last thing I heard was the door of my room opened up as the light filled my dark room..

Someone entering in my room the smell of his cologne made me feel bad.

Why he's here??

With that I lost the last but of my strength and fall down in to the blanket of darkness..

Adrien's POV:-

My days were fully coped up with Sara and the bastard who forcefully marked my sister...

We are trying to find out who he actually is but nothing.

No trace at all..

Amelia and I were just trying to analyse Sara. Sara, Amelia and I were spending time together but we found nothing at all.

I was standing beside Sara who was standing in front of Amelia looking at her with confusion. Amelia smiled politely to Sara ....

Amelia placed her fist infront of Sara and she unclenched it and there was a powder.

"What's that for?" Sara narrowed her eyes at Amelia.

"To make you fall asleep, honey" her eyes widened at what Amelia said. Amelia blew the powder on her and that's when she fainted in my arms..

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