Chapter -17

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Unknown's Pov :–

"What are you doing?" Dante asked suspiciously.. i rolled my eyes at him..

"Don't you dare do anything to my mate" he growled at me as I walked towards her bed.. she delicate form was visible as the moon's light was making her every curves visible and made me stunned..

She wasn't covering her body with quilt, all she worn was a black lace spaghetti crop inner with a silk black shorts which has small hearts printed on them.. her hairs were all messed up and she was snoring like a baby..

I walked towards her bed and sat on the edge right next to her... Her eyelids were closed with thick lashes, round cheeks which literally made me want to pinch them small round button nose was cute as well i chuckled in amusement..

"And what about her lips?" Dante asked me while I was too captive by the beauty laid beside me..

"Her lips are so plum and rosy which makes me want to kiss her" he chuckled and that's when I immediately stood up and took a few steps away from her bed

And that's when I growled in anger..

"You can't deny the connection between us" i rubbed my face and straighten myself..

"It's true I'm truly connected to Sara Roslin, Dante" it's true i can't deny the pull which she gives me, but I can't deny the fact that she's someone who's family killed my own loved ones...

"Let's enjoy the show" I smirked as I took a seat on her couch which was a little away from her bed in the right corner giving me the perfect view of my darling mate..

"What the hell are you planning?" He was trying to send me electric shocks as he got to know I was about to harm our mate.. i rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour

"I'm shutting you down, Dante. And that's my order" he gave me no choice but to use my sharp tone which made me throw him away in the darkness..

"Perfect... Now let's start with the play"


Sara's Pov:-

I looked down, overwhelmed with shame. Never in my life had I felt such humiliation, especially not in front of my loved ones and my relentless stalker. He was seething, his form transformed into something unimaginable—red and black hair, a shroud of black mist enveloping him, leaving only his bright red eyes glowing with a menacing thirst for blood and rage.

"Shall we continue, John?" Dante smirked sinisterly.

"I must say, John, the audacity to touch someone already marked by its soulmate is something you crave, isn't it?" His voice oozed authority and power. Despite this, John foolishly laughed at my stalker's statement.

"I'm a beta of the Crimson Red Pack. I take what I like, no matter whom I have to defeat." The pride in John's statement hinted at an impending downfall, amusing my stalker.

"Let's see how you defeat me," I gulped in fear, sensing that this was going to end terribly.

John's wolf mates charged at my stalker, attempting to take him down, but he effortlessly flicked his fingers, tossing them aside. In the chaos, John yanked my hair forcefully, causing me to scream in pain.

"Let me go, John!" I yelled, retaliating by grabbing his forearm, throwing him off guard. As I twisted his hand, a cracking sound filled the air, but before I could do more, he vanished. A sudden wind blew, and I looked behind me to find John staring at me with a mix of lust and anger. I realized my blazer was missing, my bra straps cut, and I desperately covered myself.

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