Chapter 11 Part-1

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I'll try not to make the chapters too lengthy... chapter isn't edited yet..

So please forgive my mistakes.



"You've been quiet for weeks, Sara" Lily sounded concern.. I was completing my homework in the cafe.

"Did someone troubled you when I wasn't around?" I huff at Adrien's statement

"Is it normal for her to be this quiet?" I rolled my eyes on her question.

"Yea, but looking at her current situation it's not normal"

"What you mean by not normal?"

"As per my observation, she's isolating herself.."

"Oh c'mon Adi, it must be.."

Well they were trying to figure out the reason behind my silence.

"OMG" she gasped

"Did Vincenzo do something during practice.." she said so fast and I dropped my pen hard enough on the table as it made a soft thud noise. Looking at Lily whose eyebrows raised up in questioning and twinkling as if she cracked the big case on the other hand my brother..

My brother looked at her with wide eyes and then..

Turn to look at me..
Those eyes were all held in anger and rage. His nostrils were flaring.. like a dragon who can blow out fire from his nose as well..

"I told you not to get close to that fucker Casanova!" He yelled at me, I groaned in anger and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Adi, Vincenzo isn't how you think he is you're just misunderstanding him" she tried to calm him down by drawing circling with her thumb behind his hand which was placed on the table.

"Misunderstanding him! I know that fucker better than you, Lily" he shouts

"Bloody Casanova" he cussed under his breath.

"I think I heard my name" here we go again... He took a seat beside me which wasn't occupied. I looked at him in irritation but let it go.. and continued doing my work.

"How dare you sit beside my sister! Casanova" He snarled

"Why so jealous of me, Rosaline?" I heard the hint of playfulness in his tone. He's definitely trying to piss him off.

"Don't spread your germs on my sister"he shouted.

"Your sister loves my company" I need silence

"I want to know why she loves your company.. come sit beside me"


"Lily go sit beside Sara, You come sit here"Adrien command

"Are you serious, bruah I'm not gay" he exasperated

"Are you coming or should I drag your ass"

I ignored and started writing down my homework. My mind was already occupied, more than disturbed and messed up, not because of what is happening around me but for what happened a few weeks ago.


For the first time I felt so warm. So comfy and so safe. I was awaken yet my eyes were shut down. As I snuggled up to my pillow, I sniffed it, made me feel so comfortable..

I hummed with a smile on my face. The smell is so earthy and woody with spicy and smoky hints.
Such a lovely smell.

I don't remember changing my room air freshener or my perfume, I think I'm in Adrien's room. But ,did he change his cologne? I don't think so, he loves it alotta why would he make me stay in his room? When he can simply just place me in ma bed......

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