Chapter 13

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POV of unknown:-

"Don't you think Sara Rosaline needs some lessons to be taught.." my sister said with a sinister smile thinking about some great ideas to make Sara suffer..

"She's human yet she took care of vampires and werewolves.. as if they meant nothing to her.." my sister's lover stated as he was fixing her necklace...

"My lord, I think it's time for us to discover her abilities" my right hand said while I was fixing my suit...

"She seem powerful for a human to handle supernatural creatures." My sister stated as she was putting her makeup on.. 

"I think i should provoke those who she already have provoked." My sister suggested

"You mean, Penelope, Daisy, John and the gang?" her lover asked and my sister walked towards him..

"Ofcourse hunny, after her performance.. I need an actual entertainment" as she kissed his cheeks..

"Wasn't she already in pain?" My right hand said and I chuckled...

"I still don't get it why you had to mark her when i could have used my power to make her suffer " she snarled at me..

"Save your powers for later sister.. this will be her forever suffering " as i was fixing my hair

"She'll soon regret to be born in Rosaline family"

I turned around as i was done applying my cologne..

They were all in my bedroom room. We were getting ready for today's show..
My sister was standing close to her lover while my right hand was near the door and my left hand was handing me my mask..

"Let's go"

"Yes, my lord"


Back to Sara's pov :—

Adrien bought a few of his known make-up artists who can fill up my bruises, cuts and dark circles...

"I'm super nervous, Sara. What if I mess it up?" She's anxious about the performance having stage fright.

"Don't perform" as i was looking at myself in the mirror.

I looked so tired and pale... I'm still getting these weird unwanted suffering.

Yesterday night was more horrifying after that torture.. he came to look at my state... Which made me feel digusted by myself...


I was bleeding more than ever, my sweaty body with teary eyes, but the darkness which covered my room was enough to at least make me feel better than what I'm going through... this time again i kept my balcony door opened to let the cold breeze make my heated body feel better. I didn't let my brother in, he was waiting outside the door to enter my room. I know he's worried about me want to help me but it's me my mess nd i want to deal with it.. all alone.

I gathered all my strength.. after a few deep breaths even though the pain which I felt inside feels like fire burning me alive... The heat was too much to be handled.

"Adrien it's over I'm fine" I chuckled weakly and answered who opened the door making my eyes shut as my eyes came in contact with the light..

"Shut the damn door" i yelled at him which he eventually did it..tears were flowing down silently I felt his hands on me carrying me in bridal way. I clenched my hands on his shirt tightly as I wanted someone but i didn't wanted him... But someone other than him who can give me comfort.

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