15 1 1

A few days passed by....

"You know Mrs. Simon wanted you to participate in the audition too, Sara" Lily said as she insisted on being my friend, help me with homework, sit with me during lunch break and other stuff which FRIENDS DO.

I rolled my eyes at such thoughts.

"Hmm, I know" I said as I looked out of the window of the classroom. Most of the class was empty due to auditions.

"The Spring Events are the best of our college. Most of the students participate in drama, singing, dancing hosting and much more" I looked at her. She was babbling like a small kid she did look young due to her petite body, her face is round and she has chubby rosy cheeks. She had big blue eyes which held so much excitement and happiness.

"What do you like the most about this event?" I asked her without a smile but she smiled at me.

"I'm mostly into singing, what about you?" She asked me and I looked back towards the window.

The garden was actually a pretty good place where not many people were around. A few benches with lots of big trees and different kinds of flowers. Birds chirping butterflies..

"I love Dancing" I softly said

"What" she screamed in surprise and I looked at her her sudden reaction gained many kids attention towards us.

"That's so cool" her eyes were shining brightly I gave her a slight nod.

"Which kinda dance do you like the most?" She asked me out of curiosity.

"Tango" I smiled at her and replied.

"It's the first time I'm seeing you smiling" I dropped my smile and turned into a poker face.

"Why did you stop smiling you look so pretty" she pouted in disappointment.

"So you like Tango?" I nodded

"You can audition for the spring dance, I'll inform you the time and dates of the dance auditions okay"

"Actually I'm not planning to do any of such bs" she rolled her eyes on me

"Oh com'on, Sara. Live alittle. At least give the audition. Give it a try" I sighed.

"Okay" she started clapping and seemed happy.

"Can you just stop being so noisy?" We turned to look beside me and he woke up.

"All you do is sleep" she rolled her eyes at him. While he was stretching his arms.

As he was stretching his tshirt went alil up giving me a glimpse of his torsos which were well defined.
So he does workout. He always sit besides me and I always see him doing one thing which is sleeping.

This is the second time he surprised me. First time was when he was sleeping teacher thought he's just a lazyass kid who knows nothing. The sir tried to question him, woke him up and asked him to answer his all questions which surprisingly he answered each and every right.

After that he went back to take his nap.

He doesn't look like someone who's lazy and sleepyhead.

Is he pretending be low key? Or it's just that he doesn't like to be around people.. just like me?

"Close your mouth" I shook my head ahead as soon as I came back from my thoughts.

"Are you going to participate in the spring event?" Lily asked him curiously.

"Nope" he replied as he yawned.

"By the way, Sara" before she can continue with her babbling, I looked at her.

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