Chapter - 21

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Adrian's Pov:-

"Lovely meeting you, my dearest brother" she whispered softly her voice is just so soothing and calming it makes me feel like I can hear her anytime and anywhere and most likely her voice did make my mood changed little better from before.. from sad to calm and rational.. ahhh not to forget her eyes, were white as snow with hints of crystal sapphire blues.. her hairs transformed as well.. her black hair turned into white with blue highlights.. she was beautiful yet she seemed magically more magical and angelic..

"I do beg thy pardon, in such circumstance, I tender mine impression, dear brother." She gave me an apologetic smile and then her eyes scanned the room.. making everyone bow down to her eventually without having any idea.. she sure has royalty, dominance and power

"Verily, the master doth finds herself weary, and I entreat that the others take their leave anon."  she emphasised each and everyone's word slowly to make them understand.. looking at them in distaste then looking at me with affection and said..

"Ahh only my brother stays" she surely can change her emotions within seconds.. giving me a great big smile

"Yes, ma'am" with that everyone left leaving me alone..

"Before we begin can you talk in simple English??" she chuckled and nodded..

"Let's make a few things clear.." she sat down elegantly. Her long slim legs crossed and slid to one side.

"I don't want any witches near me or my owner.." I was confused

"And why is that?" I asked her in curiosity

"You'll know in the future.." I sighed

"What if she's hurt, witches are needed to heal her faster and to protect her from enemies?!" She started laughing

"Oh my dearest brother, don't worry until I'm with your sister she's safe, secure and protected.. " she assured me and I sighed in defeat.

"I promise you, till tomorrow she'll be healthy and in good shape but I want something" i raised my brows at her.. and she smiled

"Train her, develop her or just upgrade her.. so she can be stronger to handle me and my energy"

"That'll be arranged.. anything else?"

"Don't share anything regarding me or my owner's information with anyone, especially those Voodoo dolls" she truly hate witches..

"Agreed" and her emotions changed she started to radiate power the aura seemed quite dense and eerie which made me cause goosebumps and shivers.. my wolf Chris started to growl in the sudden change in aura

"Easy there lil pup.. Amelia is your mate. I know that as I can sense it.. i trust you as you are my owner's brother but I don't trust your mate.. if she or any other member tries to harm one hair of my owner.." she chuckled darkly as her voice deepened..

"Goddess help their covens, as I'll not spare anyone... One mistake of underestimating me by one person, their whole clan or coven or packs shall pay for it. Am i Clear?" I gulped in nervousness and I nodded to her and she swirl around  she smiled and turned around looking at me giving me the most innocent look

"Clear " I sighed in defeat..

"Lovely" she clapped her hands in happiness

"Now can you tell me what actually are you and why are you so 'not a fan of witches' ?" And she hummed

"If u ever make me chose between a fairy and a witch.. it's a fairy. The reason is that they look pretty, smell good nothing suspicious and are far more decent than voodoo doll.. I like good cheerful people around me not such dull and boring people who use others for fun and.. betray their own loved ones" she muttered the last sentence looking away from me but my ears are sharp..

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