Chapter 10

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How pathetic, they were all fighting and throwing insulting comments at one another, trying to look superior and worthy, few girls were giggling at the scene, few were trying to calm down and are cooing their clients.

I was looking at the scene in amusement and how everyone had their eyes for this item.

The item itself was so beautiful that anyone would be mesmerized by its design.

I chuckled at the free show I was getting to watch.


I was eagerly waiting for a last minute call.

People were challenging one another. Increasing their price to get the item. But, no one was backing off...

"The Heritage of Bloom has set its value to 70million." The girl announced.

"Does anyone want to bid further?" the girl asked as she smiled while looking around the room. The room was silent.

"Okay then" she smiled
"70million, 1
70million, 2 and..

"1billion" my voice was roared, enough to make the room echoed.

The gasps and murmurs going around the room. People turning their heads trying to look around in curiosity and as soon as their eyes land on me.

"Never seen him before"

"Not to forget he's someone who didn't bid a single item but seems like he waited for this particular one."

That's what I heard

"A-anyone else wants to.." she was taken by amazement, no one raised the amount as the item reached its value to billions.

That's what my motive was..
To get rid of these losers.

"5billion" another voice beamed amongst the crowd.

I was stunned. Who is he?

The calm voice was just a façade I could feel the intimidating feels from his voice, trying to show me its authority.

He thinks his voice affects me..
Dream on pal...

"7billion" I increased the price. It's utterly ridiculous for him to fight with me for nothing. As I'll keep on increasing the price but him fighting with me won't affect me.
My sole purpose is to get the item.

"Looks like he's a young spoilt brat." Said in disgust.

"This young man doesn't know when to stop his arrogance. Doesn't he know with whom he's competing with" the other old guy in his white suit scoffed looking at my way..

"Such arrogance will take him down." the blue suit guy joined him as he clicked his glasses with the white suit guy

"Sure enough, whoever crosses paths with the Lord has always been rotted in hell. He will be killed soon with one of the Lord's famous crucial methods" the other guy in a red suit too like a trio. They mocked and started laughing at me which made me furious. Rage was all in my mind. A challenge to let everyone know who I actually am.

And I surely will .

Once I get hold of my item i won't think twice to leave you without giving the reward of your bravery to look down upon me.

"7.5billion" I was competing with a guy who was well hidden in the darkness, known by many people, feared by many, as that's what I heard, present in this room while I was fuming in anger and he wasn't letting me have my item.

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