Chapter 11 Part 2

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"Are you even listening, Sara?" Lily was shaking my shoulder and gently brought me back to reality. I looked at her concerned face and then nodded.

"What's keeping your mind occupied? You've been zoning out a lot, girl" demanding answers from me.

I know she's worried about me just like my brother. But I simply can't share them about..

How I went to an auction to get my childhood item. Beaten old guys, have a pet alligator, hired a well trained bodyguard, almost got kidnapped by my stalker ig...

Everything is already messed up.

Nah, I can't share.

She was eagerly waiting for me to answer her question.. for which I simply shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and she groaned in defeat.

"Just sit here already" i heard the chair moved infront of me and I looked at my brother who was glaring at him

"I don't want to" Vincenzo simply replied

"You think I can't punch your fucking face" he stood up from his place looking at him, ready to kill him

The whole cafe was looking at our table. Whispering in each other's ears while all eyes were fixed on us..

I'm so done..

I groaned and picked up the knife which was placed beside my plate and ...

"What the fuck?!!" I ignored Lily's voice as she covered her ears

"Stop it, Sara. Please..." Why should I?

"We won't fight" and I stopped the high-pitched scraping or screeching sound that made them shudder due to knife

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"We won't fight" and I stopped the high-pitched scraping or screeching sound that made them shudder due to knife

"That's better" as I kept the knife aside.. and looked at them both..

"Sister, let's go to shopping" he said looking at Vincenzo who rolled his eyes at him.

"We need to practice let's go, the event is in two days" as he grabbed my wrist

Here we go again...

"She's my sister she'll come with me"

"We have something important to do, so she'll come with me"

"Sara, who you'll choose" they both said at the same time... As soon as Lily asked me that question

"I rather choose myself than you guys" i smiled at them.. who weren't happy with my statement

Like i care.

"That's not fair, Sara" Adrien pouted

"If you both fight again, I'll again scratch the fork on the plate"

"We won't don't worry" he shook his head in defeat

"That's better" i smiled in victory.

"Who's Sara Rosaline?" And we all looked at the source of sound. A delivery boy who wore a orange tshirt and pants with a black cap, had a bouquet of black and red roses in his hand.

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